Page 52 - Proxy Statement - 2020
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Compensation Discussion and Analysis  /  2019 Annual Cash Incentive Goals and Results

          Annual Incentive Feature: Performance-Based Stock      Marietta Board of Directors confirmed the award, or $182.895.
          Purchase Plan                                          This award value was then divided into PSUs and performance-
          The Incentive Stock Plan further promotes the alignment of  based RSUs, with 55% of the total award for NEOs consisting of
          executive compensation levels with our investors’ financial  the PSUs at target level and 45% of the total award for NEOs
          interests by requiring that a portion of the annual bonus award  consisting of performance-based RSUs. The Committee believes
          be deferred into Company stock units that vest based on  that the incentive mix (PSUs and performance-based RSUs)
          continued service. Executive officers can also elect to defer  constitutes an appropriate pay process and streamlined plan,
          amounts above the mandatory deferral amount. The voluntary  which more fully reflects the performance of the Company and
          election allows executives to invest up to 50% of their annual  is better aligned with each NEO’s role within Martin Marietta.
          cash incentive compensation to purchase units that are  See a further description under Outstanding Equity Awards at
          subsequently converted into shares of common stock pursuant  Fiscal Year-End and corresponding footnotes on pages 60 to 61.
          to the terms of the plan at a 20% discount from the market
          price of Martin Marietta’s common stock on the date the  The following table provides a notional example of the LTI plan
          amount of the incentive compensation is determined. The  design.
          discount is used to account for the risk of trading current cash
          compensation for “at-risk” shares which may decline in value.
                                                                          LTI   Target         PSU           RSU
                                                                  Salary  Target  Value  PSU  Value   RSU    Value
          The mandatory portion requires executives to invest a minimum  $  %     $      %      $      %      $
          of 20% of their cash incentive compensation towards the  150,000  140% 210,000  55%  115,500  45%  94,500
          crediting of units under the plan. The CEO is required to invest a
          minimum of 35% of his cash incentive compensation towards
          the crediting of such units.                           PSU Awards (55% of LTI Award)

          The units generally vest in three years from the date of the  One of our compensation objectives is to align the potential
          award and are distributed in shares of common stock. If an  rewards to senior management with increases in shareholder
          executive officer voluntarily terminates employment before the  value. In that regard, the PSUs give the recipient the opportunity
          units vest, the stock units are forfeited and the executive officer  to receive Martin Marietta common stock if specific performance
          receives a cash payment equal to the lesser of the cash that was  goals are achieved, consisting of:
          invested or the fair value of the share units on the day of
                                                                 (1) Earnings before Interest, Income Taxes, Depreciation and
          termination. Mr. Nye deferred the maximum of 50% of his 2019
                                                                    Amortization  (EBITDA),  measuring  profitability  and
          cash bonus in stock units.
                                                                    comprising 67% of the total target award, and
          The mandatory contribution requirement directly links a portion  (2) Sales Growth, measuring growth and comprising 33% of
          of executive officer compensation to shareholder returns. The  the total target award.
          vesting aspect, combined with the yearly stock purchase
                                                                 (3) In addition, relative Total Shareholder Return (rTSR) will act
          requirement, creates continuous overlapping three-year cycles,
                                                                    as a modifier for the performance such that Martin
          which encourage executive officer retention and provide a
                                                                    Marietta’s performance will be measured against the S&P
          continuous link of a significant portion of executive officer
                                                                    500, and will modify the total award by a range of -20% to
          compensation with shareholder return over the long-term to
          reward these executive officers in line with our shareholders
          when our stock price increases.
                                                                 The following table summarizes the weighting of our PSU
                                                                 performance measures:
          2019 Long-Term Incentive
                                                                    Cumulative       Cumulative      Relative TSR
          Compensation Overview                                       EBITDA        Sales Growth       Modifier
          Our LTI plan’s design reflects the objectives of our compensation  67%        33%            +/- 20%
          program and is in-line with current market approaches, based on
                                                                 EBITDA and Sales Growth are two of the drivers of our
          the advice of the Committee’s independent compensation
                                                                 performance and metrics of significance to our investors. The
          consultant. Our plan design objectives are a simplified LTI program,
                                                                 total payout opportunity for PSUs in 2019 was 0% to 240%:
          that is transparent and enhances the line of sight between our
                                                                 50% of target if the threshold level is satisfied, 100% of target
          performance and compensation.
                                                                 if the target level is satisfied, and 200% of target if the
          The award in 2019 for all NEOs was determined as a fixed  maximum level is satisfied. The rTSR modifier over the three-year
          percentage of base salary with some variation for position and  measurement period is then applied to the final award to adjust
          grade, which amount was converted into common stock units  it up or down by up to 20%. The threshold must be satisfied to
          based on the average Martin Marietta stock price for the 20-day  receive PSUs for each performance metric. If the threshold is not
          period ending on February 20, 2019, the day the Martin  met, none of the PSUs relating to that metric will vest.

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