Page 55 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 55

2017-2019 PSU Award Payouts  /  Compensation Discussion and Analysis

          2017-2019 PSU Award Payouts

          PSUs that were granted in 2017 vested on December 31, 2019,  above targeted level for each metric. EBITDA (weighted 67%)
          because the applicable performance criteria were satisfied. These  was $3.43 billion compared to our pre-established target of
          PSUs were certified and paid out in February 2020. The PSU  $2.85 billion and generated a 134% payout factor and Sales
          payouts  for  the  three-year  performance  period  ended  Growth (weighted 33%) was 17.7% compared to our
          December 31, 2019 were calculated by comparing actual  pre-established target of 4.5% and generated a 66% payout
          corporate performance for each metric for the period January 1,  factor. The rTSR modifier, which provides for an adjustment up
          2017 through December 31, 2019, against a table of payment  or down of up to 20%, resulted in a 93% adjustment as our TSR
          levels from 0% to 200% (with the 100% payout level being  over the three year measurement period was at the 41 st
          considered target) established at the beginning of the  percentile of S&P 500 companies over the same period. The
          performance period.                                    awards are calculated pursuant to the provisions provided in the
                                                                 award  agreements.  The  Committee  cannot  make  any
          For the three-year performance period ended December 31,  adjustments to the final payout factor beyond the adjustments
          2019, actual results were 186% of target. The results were  specified in the award agreements.

                                                Performance        Performance                     Weighted
           Measure                                 Target            Result        Weighting      Payout Factor
           EBITDA                                $     2.85B       $    3.43B           67%              134%
           Sales Growth                                  4.5%            17.7%          33%                 66%
           Relative TSR                         50 percentile     41 percentile       +/-20%    93% of total award
          Based on a weighted payout factor of 186%, the following table shows the payouts under the 2017-2019 PSU made in February 2020.
                                           Payment Calculation for PSUs Granted in 2017
                                                 Certified on February 20, 2020
                                                                                       Target Units Granted  Payout
           NEO                                                                            in 2017 (shares)  (shares)
           C. Howard Nye                                                                     11,355        21,112
           James A. J. Nickolas*
           Roselyn R. Bar                                                                      3,267        6,075
           Craig M. LaTorre*
           Daniel L. Grant                                                                    2,210         4,109

          * Mr. Nickolas commenced employment with the Company in August 2017. Mr. LaTorre commenced employment in July 2018.

          Ongoing Corporate Governance                           •  We pay for performance, with approximately 87% of our
                                                                    CEO’s total target pay opportunity being performance-
                                                                    based “at-risk” compensation.
          We endeavor to maintain good corporate governance standards  •  We cap PSU payments at target if three-year TSR is
          relating to our executive compensation policies and practices,  negative, regardless of our ranking.
          including the following that were in effect during 2019 that
                                                                 •  We limit perquisites and other benefits.
          directly impacted compensation:
           •  The Committee is comprised solely of independent Directors  Compensation Decision Process
              who regularly schedule and meet in executive sessions
              without management present.                        Role of Management and the Committee
                                                                 The Committee is responsible for carrying out the philosophy and
           •  The Committee’s independent compensation consultant is
                                                                 objectives of the Board of Directors related to executive
              retained directly by the Committee.
                                                                 compensation in addition to its responsibilities of overseeing the
           •  The Committee conducts an annual review and approval of  development and succession of executive management of Martin
              our compensation strategy, including a review of our  Marietta. The Committee has the authority to determine
              compensation-related risk profile, to ensure that our  compensation and benefits for Martin Marietta’s executive officers.
              compensation-related risks are not reasonably likely to have  The Committee members are each non-employee, independent
              a material adverse effect on the Company.          Board members pursuant to the NYSE rules, and the Committee

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