Page 57 - Proxy Statement - 2020
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Compensation Decision Process  /  Compensation Discussion and Analysis

          data. Where available, size-adjusted market values were  •  Long-term compensation to executive officers is based on
          developed using regression analysis. This statistical technique  specific performance measures that balance long-term
          accounts for revenue size differences within the peer group and  growth and returns.
          develops an estimated market value for a similar-size company
                                                                 •  The Committee uses benchmarking data and the advice of
          as Martin Marietta. The size-adjusted 50th percentile for total
                                                                    its  independent  compensation  consultant  to  keep
          compensation is a key reference point for the Committee. On
                                                                    compensation in line with typical market practices and
          average,  the  target  for  our  NEO  total  compensation
                                                                    appropriate to Martin Marietta’s needs.
          opportunities is competitively positioned within a reasonable
                                                                 •  We use a balanced portfolio of long-term incentive
          range of the size-adjusted 50th percentile.
          Although the Committee uses the size-adjusted 50th percentile  •  The Committee’s governance process requires review and
          as its starting point in setting compensation levels, the  approval of all compensation over a certain amount.
          compensation packages for executive officers may vary
          materially from it based on several factors. Market data,  Stock-Based Awards Generally
          position, tenure, individual and organization performance,
          retention needs and internal pay equity have been the primary  All of Martin Marietta’s active equity-based award plans have
          factors considered in decisions to increase or decrease  been approved by shareholders. Our Stock Plan requires a
          compensation  opportunities.  Specifically,  the  Committee  minimum vesting period of 12 months for restricted stock or
          typically sets compensation levels below the size-adjusted 50th  RSUs and a minimum vesting period of 36 months for stock
          percentile for executive officers with relatively less relevant  options or stock appreciation rights (SARs). The Company has
          experience, less responsibility, less tenure with Martin Marietta  not issued SARs and has not issued options since 2015.
          and/or lower performance ratings. Conversely, if an officer
          consistently receives favorable performance ratings, accumulates  Stock Ownership Requirements
          years of service and expertise in relevant areas, has more
          responsibility and/or has significant other achievements, his or  In 2018, the Board adopted robust formal Stock Ownership
          her compensation will typically be above the size-adjusted 50th  Guidelines for executive officers and members of the Board of
          percentile.                                            Directors. These require the following ownership levels as a
                                                                 multiple of base salary or annual cash retainer, as applicable:
          Compensation Program Risk                                                                   Annual Base
          Assessment                                             Title                               Salary Multiple
                                                                 Chairman, President and CEO            7 times
          We perform a thorough annual review of our compensation
                                                                 Other Executive Officers               5 times
          program structure and all compensation programs, which are also
          reviewed in detail with the Committee. We believe our executive  Other Members of the Board of Directors  5 times
          pay is appropriate and provides necessary incentives to our
                                                                 The following types of equity instruments count in determining
          executives to achieve our financial and strategic goals without
                                                                 stock ownership for purposes of these guidelines:
          encouraging them to take excessive risks in their business
          decisions. Our compensation structure does not include features  •  Shares owned separately by the covered person or owned
          that are reasonably likely to have a material adverse effect on the  either jointly with, or separately by, his or her immediate
          Company. Compensation program features that mitigate against  family members residing in the same household;
          risks include the following:                           •  Shares held in trust for the benefit of the covered person or
           •  Our annual incentive compensation plan does not provide  his or her immediate family members;
              payment for poor individual or corporate performance,  •  Shares purchased on the open market;
              regardless of whether the failure to achieve target was
                                                                 •  Shares obtained through stock option exercise (and not
              outside management’s control.
                                                                    thereafter sold);
           •  There are caps on the long-term equity awards, even if the
                                                                 •  Vested shares pursuant to RSUs;
              required performance-related criteria are exceeded.
                                                                 •  Unvested RSUs;
           •  A majority of the NEOs’ compensation is long-term, with
              equity grants vesting over three to five years, depending on  •  Shares held pursuant to deferred stock unit plans for
              the award.                                            Directors or executive officers; and
           •  Our compensation is not based on highly-leveraged short-  •  Shares acquired under the Company’s Savings and
              term incentives that encourage high risk investments at the  Investment Plan and similar plans or arrangements
              expense of long-term value.

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