Page 61 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 61

Executive Compensation

          Executive Officer Compensation
          The following tables show annual and long-term compensation, for services in all capacities to Martin Marietta, earned by the Chief
          Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, and the three other most highly compensated executive officers in 2019, which we refer
          to collectively in this section of this proxy statement as the “named executive officers” or “NEOs.” These tables and the accompanying
          narratives should be read in conjunction with the Compensation Discussion and Analysis section of this proxy statement, which provides
          a detailed overview of the methods used by Martin Marietta to compensate its officers, including the named executive officers.

          Summary Compensation Table

          The table below summarizes the total compensation paid to or earned by each of the named executive officers for the fiscal years set
          forth below. Martin Marietta has not entered into any employment agreements with any of the named executive officers.

                                               SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                   Change in
                                                                                 Pension Value
                                                                                   and Non-
                                                                     Non-Equity    Deferred
                                                     Stock   Option  Incentive Plan  Compensation  All Other
                  Name and             Salary  Bonus  Awards  Awards  Compensation  Earnings  Compensation  Total
               Principal Position  Year  ($) 1  ($)   ($) 2   ($) 3     ($) 4        ($) 5        ($) 6      ($)
                     (a)          (b)    (c)   (d)     (e)     (f)       (g)         (h)          (i)        (j)
           C. Howard Nye          2019 1,141,667    6,294,708         1,450,000    3,073,183    238,800   12,198,358
           Chairman, President
           and CEO                2018 1,090,833    5,046,900         1,050,000    1,235,634    110,091    8,533,458
                                  2017 1,039,167    5,431,412         1,000,000    1,414,782    103,804    8,989,165
           James A. J. Nickolas   2019  518,967     1,100,171          529,346      240,591      32,587    2,421,662
           Senior Vice
           President and CFO      2018  485,667      899,577           451,670       91,960      84,393    2,013,267
                                  2017  172,936     1,320,232          162,127       25,995       8,534    1,689,824
           Roselyn R. Bar         2019  565,417     1,301,753          585,772     2,153,409     79,931    4,686,282
           Executive Vice President,
           General Counsel and    2018  537,783     1,073,594          496,912      940,466      52,958    3,101,713
           Corporate Secretary    2017  511,383     1,433,583          475,586     1,039,249     52,062    3,511,863
           Craig M. LaTorre 7     2019  456,250      736,506           419,050      142,339      21,305    1,775,450
           Senior Vice President,
           Chief Human Resources
           Daniel L. Grant        2019  394,417      631,506           353,398      317,458      56,555    1,753,334
           Senior Vice President,
           Strategy & Development  2018  380,383     527,756           308,871      163,952      41,967    1,422,929
                                  2017  360,433      947,503           255,457      193,221      38,825    1,795,439
          1  The amounts in column (c) reflect the base salary actually paid.
          2  No amounts that qualify as bonuses were payable during the last three years. The amounts in column (e) reflect the aggregate grant date fair value of
            awards made in the year reported, determined in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718 (without any assumption for early forfeiture), of awards of
            RSUs and awards of PSUs, which are described in more detail on pages 48 to 50 under the heading “2019 Long-Term Incentive Compensation.” The
            amounts included in the table reflects the value of the units granted, which are subject to forfeiture if the executive does not remain in the
            employment of Martin Marietta for the requisite time period (generally three years) or if Martin Marietta does not achieve the performance criteria,
            where applicable. The amounts reported include the amounts of cash bonuses deferred in common stock units by each named executive officer
            pursuant to Martin Marietta’s Incentive Stock Plan, which is discussed in further detail on page 48 under the heading “Annual Incentive Feature:
            Performance-Based Stock Purchase Plan”. The amount in column (e) includes PSUs based on the target level of performance. Assuming the maximum
            payout under the PSUs granted in 2019, whose payout will be determined in February 2022 based on the Company’s performance in 2019-2021, the
            amounts reported above for 2019 would be as follows:
            Mr. Nye, $6,404,631; Mr. Nickolas, $1,279,468; Ms. Bar, $1,388,845; Mr. LaTorre, $506,537; and Mr. Grant, $717,999. Assumptions used in the
            calculation of these amounts are included in Note A to Martin Marietta’s audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019,

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