Page 63 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 63

Grants of Plan-Based Awards  /  Executive Compensation

          Grants of Plan-Based Awards

          The table below shows each grant of an award made to a named executive officer in the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. This
          includes equity awards made to the named executive officers under the Stock Plan and the Incentive Stock Plan.

                                            GRANTS OF PLAN-BASED AWARDS TABLE

                                                                                                  All Other
                                                    Estimated Future Payouts  Estimated Future Payouts  Awards:  Grant Date
                                                   Under Non-Equity Incentive  Under Equity Incentive  Number  Fair Value
                                                        Plan Awards              Plan Awards      of Shares  of Stock
                                                                                                  of Stock  and
                                           Grant  Threshold  Target  Maximum  Threshold  Target  Maximum  or Units  Option
           Name                            Date     ($)     ($)     ($)     (#)     (#)     (#)     (#)    Awards 4
           (a)                              (b)     (c)     (d)     (e)      (f)    (g)     (h)     (i)      (l)
           C. Howard Nye                  2/19/20 1       742,084 3,750,000        3,586  18,122            927,591
                                          2/20/19 2                        5,270   13,175  31,620         2,668,596
                                          2/20/19 3                                                11,318  2,176,112
           James A. J. Nickolas           2/19/20 1       311,380 6,000,000          377   7,249            97,519
                                          2/20/19 2                        1,053   2,632   6,317            533,112
                                          2/20/19 3                                                2,261    434,722
           Roselyn R. Bar                 2/19/20 1       316,634 5,250,000          656  10,873            169,688
                                          2/20/19 2                        1,143   2,857   6,857            578,685
                                          2/20/19 3                                                2,455    472,023
           Craig M. LaTorre               2/19/20 1       255,500 6,000,000          309   7,249            79,929
                                          2/20/19 2                          417   1,042   2,501            211,057
                                          2/20/19 3                                                2,188    420,687
           Daniel L. Grant                2/19/20 1       220,874 6,000,000          267   7,249            69,065
                                          2/20/19 2                          591   1,477   3,545            299,166
                                          2/20/19 3                                                1,269    243,991
          1  The amounts shown in this row reflect the annual bonus that could have been earned in 2019, payable in 2020, pursuant to the Executive Cash
            Incentive Plan. For each named executive officer, the amounts shown in columns (d) and (e) reflect the portion of the annual bonus that would have
            been paid in cash if, respectively, target and maximum performance was achieved for the year (i.e., after reduction for the total portion that would be
            deferred pursuant to the Incentive Stock Plan pursuant to both mandatory and voluntary deferrals). The amounts shown in columns (g) and (h) reflect
            the portion of the annual bonus that would have been deferred pursuant to the Incentive Stock Plan if, respectively, target and maximum performance
            was achieved for the year, inclusive of the 20% discount. Participants in the Incentive Stock Plan for 2019 were approved on May 9, 2019. These
            awards are discussed under the heading “Annual Incentive Feature: Performance-Based Stock Purchase Plan” on page 48. The actual amounts paid
            are reflected in the Summary Compensation Table on page 57.
          2  The amounts shown in columns (f), (g) and (h) reflect the threshold, target and maximum, respectively, levels of PSUs payable if the performance
            measurements are satisfied in the period 2019-2021. These awards are discussed under the heading “2019 Long-Term Incentive Compensation”on
            pages 48 to 50.
          3  The amounts shown in column (i) reflect the number of RSUs granted in 2019 to each of the named executive officers pursuant to the Stock Plan.
            These awards are discussed under the heading “2019 Long-Term Incentive Compensation” on pages 48 to 50. These awards are also included in
            column (e) of the Summary Compensation Table on page 57.
          4  The amounts shown in column (l) reflect the grant date fair value of each equity award computed in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718. No options
            to purchase shares of Martin Marietta’s common stock were granted in 2019.

          Stock-based  incentive  awards  have  been  a  significant  amendments to the plan designed to more directly tie long-term
          component of Martin Marietta’s management compensation. In  compensation incentives to Martin Marietta’s performance and
          1998, the Board of Directors adopted and Martin Marietta’s  enhance  flexibility  in  structuring  long-term  incentive
          shareholders approved the Stock Plan. In 2016, the Board of  compensation packages by providing a mix of different types of
          Directors and the shareholders approved amendments to the  long-term  stock-based  incentives.  In  addition,  dividend
          plan increasing the number of shares of Martin Marietta’s  equivalents that would have been paid in cash during the
          common stock available for equity awards. They also approved  vesting period will be paid only if and when an award vests.

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