Page 68 - Proxy Statement - 2020
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Executive Compensation  /  Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change of Control

          Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change of Control

          The discussion and tables below reflect the amount of potential  Executive Cash Incentive Plan that correlates to the percentage
          payments and benefits to each of the named executive officers  of the year in which the employee worked for the Company; will
          at, following, or in connection with any termination of such  continue to hold all outstanding options unaffected by the
          executive’s  employment,  including  voluntary  termination,  retirement and retain such options for the remainder of the
          involuntary not-for-cause termination, for-cause termination,  outstanding term; will continue to hold all awards of RSUs and
          normal retirement, early retirement, in the event of disability or  PSUs for the remainder of the outstanding term unaffected by
          death of the executive, and termination following a change of  the retirement; will vest in all outstanding awards of common
          control. The amounts assume that such termination was  stock units under the Incentive Stock Plan; in the case of
          effective as of December 31, 2019 and thus includes amounts  Ms. Bar, will be eligible to receive health and welfare benefits as
          earned through such time and are estimates of the amounts that  described under the heading Retiree Medical on page 62; and
          would have been paid out to the executives upon their  will continue to receive life insurance coverage until his or her
          termination at such time. The actual amounts to be paid out can  death.
          only be determined at the time of such executive’s actual
                                                                 Payments Made Upon Early Retirement. In the event of
          separation from Martin Marietta.
                                                                 retirement prior to reaching age 62 but on or after reaching age
          Payments Upon Any Termination. Regardless of the manner  55, the named executive officer will receive benefits as described
          in which the employment of a named executive officer   under the heading Payments Upon Voluntary Termination.In
          terminates, he or she is entitled to receive the amounts earned  addition, the named executive officer will receive reduced
          during the term of employment, including cash compensation  benefits of the type described under Pension Benefits on page
          earned during the fiscal year, amounts contributed by the  63 and may be eligible for benefits described under the heading
          employee and Martin Marietta’s matching contributions to the  Retiree Medical beginning on page 62 at a higher cost.
          Savings and Investment Plan, unused earned vacation pay and
                                                                 Payments Upon Death or Disability. In the event of the death
          amounts accrued and vested through Martin Marietta’s Pension
                                                                 or disability of a named executive officer, in addition to the
          Plan and SERP.
                                                                 payments and benefits under the heading Payments Upon Any
          Payments Upon Voluntary Termination. In addition to the  Termination, the named executive officer or his or her estate will
          amounts described under the heading Payments Upon Any  receive benefits under Martin Marietta’s long-term disability plan
          Termination, upon a voluntary termination of employment, the  or life insurance plan, as applicable, and a death benefit
          named executive officer would be entitled to receive the lower  payment, as applicable, equal to the then-current base salary of
          of the amount of cash contributed to the Incentive Stock Plan or  such employee paid under the Pension Plan plus one month
          the current market value of the common stock units credited to  base salary. In addition, in the event of death, all options will
          the employee measured by the NYSE closing price of Martin  vest and the executor of their estate will have one year to
          Marietta’s common stock on the date of termination.    exercise the options. In the event of disability, the executive will
                                                                 receive a portion of the cash incentive compensation based
          Payments Upon Involuntary Not-For-Cause Termination. In  upon performance and payable under the Executive Cash
          addition to the amounts described under the heading Payments  Incentive Plan that correlates to the percentage of the year in
          Upon Any Termination, upon an involuntary termination of  which the employee worked for the Company; will continue to
          employment not for cause, the named executive officer would  hold all outstanding options unaffected by the disability and will
          be entitled to receive a prorated share of the common stock  retain such options for the remainder of the outstanding term;
          units credited to him or her under the Incentive Stock Plan paid  will continue to hold all awards of PSUs and RSUs for the
          out as shares of common stock and the remaining cash   remainder of the outstanding term unaffected by the disability;
          contribution invested by the employee in the plan.     and will vest in all outstanding awards of common stock units
                                                                 under the Incentive Stock Plan.
          Payments Upon Involuntary For-Cause Termination. In the
          event of involuntary termination for cause, which is defined in  Payments Upon or in Connection With a Change of
          the Employment Protection Agreement and the Stock Plan, the  Control. Martin Marietta has entered into Employment
          named executive officer would be entitled to receive the  Protection Agreements, as amended from time to time, with
          payments and benefits described under the heading Payments  each of the named executive officers. The purpose of these
          Upon Voluntary Termination.                            agreements is to provide Martin Marietta’s key executives with
                                                                 payments and benefits upon certain types of terminations within
          Payments Upon Retirement. In the event of the retirement at  two years following a “Change of Control.” For purposes of the
          age 62 or above of a named executive officer, in addition to the  agreements, a Change of Control is generally defined as (i) the
          items described under the heading Payments Upon Any    acquisition by any person, or related group of persons, of 40%
          Termination, the executive will receive a portion of the cash  or more of either the outstanding common stock of Martin
          incentive bonus based upon performance and payable under the  Marietta or the combined voting power of Martin Marietta’s

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