Page 65 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 65

Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End  /  Executive Compensation

          2  RSU restrictions lapsed on March 28, 2020.
          3  RSU restrictions lapse ratably in installments on February 22, 2020 and February 22, 2021.
          4  RSU restrictions lapse ratable in installments on February 20, 2020, February 20, 2021 and February 20, 2022.
          5  Incentive Stock Plan units restrictions lapse on December 1, 2020.
          6  Incentive Stock Plan units restrictions lapse on December 1, 2021.
          7  The amount for these outstanding awards of PSUs are presented at the target performance levels. The awards generally vested at December 31, 2019.
          8  The amount for these outstanding awards of PSUs are presented at the target performance levels. The awards generally vest at December 31, 2020.
          9  The amount for these outstanding awards of PSUs are presented at the target performance levels. The awards generally vest at December 31, 2021.
          10  RSUs fully vest on August 21, 2022 subject to continued employment. If Mr. Nickolas’ employment terminates prior to August 21, 2022 as a result of
            his voluntary termination or the Company’s termination of Mr. Nickolas for cause, all outstanding RSUs expire and he is required to return to the
            Company the value of any vested shares of common stock that vested in connection with this award.
          11  RSUs vest as follows subject to continued employment on the dates of vesting: 1,964 units vest on August 23, 2021; 1,964 units vest on August 23,
            2022; and 1,964 units vest on August 23, 2023.

          Option Exercises and Stock Vested

          The table below shows on an aggregated basis for each of the named executive officers information on (1) the exercise of options for
          the purchase of Martin Marietta’s common stock and (2) the vesting of stock, including RSUs, PSUs and Incentive Stock Plan units,
          during the last completed fiscal year. There are no awards of stock appreciation rights for Martin Marietta’s common stock or other
          similar instruments.

                                         OPTION EXERCISES AND STOCK VESTED TABLE
                                                                          OPTION AWARDS          STOCK AWARDS
                                                                        Number               Number of
                                                                       of Shares    Value      Shares      Value
                                                                        Acquired   Realized   Acquired   Realized
                                                                       on Exercise  on Exercise  on Vesting  on Vesting 1
           Name                                                           (#)        ($)        (#)         ($)
           (a)                                                            (b)        (c)        (d)         (e)
           C. Howard Nye                                                 49,703    6,651,783    58,809   13,538,636
           James A. J. Nickolas                                              0           0       1,644     409,440
           Roselyn R. Bar                                                 3,528     391,733     19,434    4,652,801
           Craig M. LaTorre                                                  0           0          0           0
           Daniel L. Grant                                                   0           0      13,691    3,331,811
          1  The amounts in column (e) include the value of RSUs and PSUs at the time of vesting and the appreciation of both mandatory and voluntary
            contributions under the Incentive Stock Plan.

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