Page 69 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 69

Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change of Control  /  Executive Compensation

          outstanding securities, (ii) consummation of a reorganization,  confidentiality requirements to ensure that the executives do not
          merger or consolidation or sale or other disposition of all or  disclose any confidential information relating to Martin Marietta.
          substantially all of Martin Marietta’s assets following which
          Martin Marietta’s shareholders before such event fail to own  The agreements were amended in December 2018 in response
          more than 50% of the resulting entity, (iii) a change in the  to the 2018 Say On Pay vote that was supported by 78.9% of
          majority membership of the Board, or (iv) a liquidation or  the shareholders that voted. The amendments eliminated (1) the
          dissolution of Martin Marietta.                        “gross up” payments that compensate the executives for any
                                                                 golden parachute excise taxes imposed under the Internal
          The agreements provide that if, within the two-year period  Revenue Code; (2) the “walk-right” if the executive voluntarily
          following a Change of Control, an executive is terminated  terminates his or her employment for any reason during the
          without “Cause” (as defined in the agreements) or terminates  thirty-day period following the second anniversary of the
          his or her employment with “Good Reason” (as defined in the  Change of Control; and (3) the inclusion of the value of
          agreements), Martin Marietta is obligated to pay the executive,  perquisites in the severance payment provided for in the
          in a lump sum, an amount equal to three times the sum of the  agreements.
          executive’s base salary, annual bonus, and Martin Marietta’s
          match to the defined contribution plan; the payment of a  The term of the agreements is one year following their effective
          pro-rata annual target bonus in the year of termination as  dates. On each anniversary date of the effective date, the
          determined under the Executive Cash Incentive Plan (for Mr. Nye  agreements are renewed for one additional year, unless either
          such target bonus is 130% for purposes of the Employment  party gives notice of its intent to cancel the automatic extension.
          Protection Agreement) and to provide continuation of health,  If, prior to termination, a Change of Control occurs or the Board
          medical and other insurance benefits for a period of three years  becomes aware of circumstances which in the ordinary course
          following termination. The rationale for selecting these triggers  could result in a Change of Control, then under no
          is to encourage the named executive officers to remain focused  circumstances will the agreements terminate prior to the second
          on Martin Marietta, its performance and matters that are in the  anniversary of the Change of Control.
          best interests of its shareholders rather than be distracted by the
                                                                 In addition, the Stock Plan, pursuant to which equity-based
          personal impact to their employment that the Change of
                                                                 awards are made to the executive officers, provides that upon
          Control may have. For purposes of the agreements, “base
                                                                 the occurrence of a Change of Control of Martin Marietta as
          salary” means the highest annual rate of base salary that the
                                                                 provided in the Employment Protection Agreements, all time
          executive received within the twelve-month period ending on
                                                                 periods for purposes of vesting in, or realizing gain from, any
          the date of the Change of Control, and “annual bonus” means
                                                                 outstanding award under the plan will automatically accelerate.
          the executive’s highest annual bonus paid during the period
                                                                 For purposes of such vesting, any performance criteria will be
          beginning five years prior to the Change of Control and ending
                                                                 deemed achieved at the greater of target performance and
          on the date of the executive’s termination of employment.
                                                                 actual performance, as measured through the date of the
          Executives also are credited with an additional three years of
                                                                 Change of Control. In December 2018, in response to the 2018
          service under the Pension Plan and are eligible to retire after age
                                                                 Say On Pay vote, the Company’s form of RSU award agreement
          55 without reduction in benefits and with a lump sum payment
                                                                 and PSU award agreement were changed such that future
          based on a 0% discount rate. Martin Marietta must also
                                                                 grants of RSUs and PSUs will require termination of the
          continue to provide the executive all benefits provided under
                                                                 executive’s employment in connection with a Change of Control
          Martin Marietta’s defined benefit and defined contribution
                                                                 in order for accelerated vesting to occur.
          retirement plans and provide the executive with the same retiree
          medical benefits that were in effect for retirees immediately
          prior to the Change of Control. The agreements also have

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