Page 71 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 71

CEO Pay Ratio Disclosure  /  Executive Compensation

          CEO Pay Ratio Disclosure

          The Company is required to disclose in its proxy statement the  •  calculating the total annual compensation of our CEO and
          annual  total  compensation  of  the  median-compensated  of the median employee using the same methodology
          employee of, generally, all Company employees (excluding the  required for the Summary Compensation Table.
          CEO), the annual total compensation of its CEO, and the ratio of
          the  CEO   compensation  to  the  median  employee’s   The total annual compensation for our CEO for fiscal year 2019
          compensation.                                          was $12,198,358. The total annual compensation in 2019 for
                                                                 the median employee (other than our CEO) was $67,956. The
          The  Company  in  2019  employed  approximately  8,700  resulting ratio of CEO pay to the pay of our median employee
          employees that were located primarily in the United States, but  for fiscal year 2019 is 180 to one.
          also with employees in Canada and The Bahamas.
                                                                 This pay ratio is a reasonable estimate calculated in a manner
          The methodology described in this section was used to identify  consistent with SEC rules based on our payroll and employment
          the median employee in 2017 and 2018. For 2019, we used the  records and the methodology described above. Because the SEC
          rule allowing us to use the same median employee as last year.  rules for identifying the median-compensated employee and
          The median employee compensation was identified using a  calculating the pay ratio based on that employee’s annual total
          consistently applied compensation measure, encompassing base  compensation  allow  companies  to  adopt  a  variety  of
          salary, overtime, incentive compensation with a performance  methodologies, to apply certain exclusions, and to make
          period of one year or less (such as annual incentives and sales or  reasonable estimates and assumptions that reflect their
          other bonuses), and allowances (such as personal use of  compensation practices, the amount of compensation of the
          company-provided vehicles). As allowed under the SEC rules,  median-compensated employee and the pay ratio reported by
          base pay was annualized for employees hired during the year to  other companies may not be comparable to our estimates
          reflect a full year of service.                        reported above, as other companies may have different
                                                                 employment and compensation practices and may utilize
          We determined the required ratio by:                   different methodologies, exclusions, estimates and assumptions
                                                                 in calculating their own pay ratios. As permitted by the SEC
           •  calculating the compensation based on a consistently
                                                                 rules, we used the same median employee as in 2017 and 2018,
              applied measure as described above of all employees except
                                                                 as there were no changes to our median employee’s status, our
              the CEO, and then sorting those employees from highest to
                                                                 employee population or our compensation programs in 2019
                                                                 that we would reasonably believe would result in a significant
           •  determining the median employee from that list, including  change in our pay ratio disclosure.
              evaluating employees situated slightly above and below the
              calculated median to ensure the selected employee reflects
              our population as a whole; and

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