Page 67 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 67

Pension Benefits  /  Executive Compensation

          Pension Benefits

          The table below shows the present value of accumulated benefits payable to each of the named executive officers, including the
          number of years of service credited to each such named executive officer, under our Pension Plan and SERP, determined using interest
          rate and mortality rate assumptions consistent with those used in Martin Marietta’s financial statements.
                                                   PENSION BENEFITS TABLE

                                                                  Numbers of Years  Present Value of  Payments During
                                                                   Credited Service  Accumulated Benefit  Last Fiscal Year
           Name                                     Plan Name           (#)              ($) 1            ($)
           (a)                                         (b)              (c)              (d)              (e)
           C. Howard Nye                            Pension Plan       13.417           624,446
                                                       SERP            13.417          8,264,290
           James A. J. Nickolas                     Pension Plan        2.417            85,515
                                                       SERP             2.417           273,031
           Roselyn R. Bar                           Pension Plan        25.5           1,491,045
                                                       SERP             25.5           5,771,902
           Craig M. LaTorre                         Pension Plan        1.500            61,296
                                                       SERP             1.500           108,486
           Daniel L. Grant                          Pension Plan        6.333           325,153
                                                       SERP             6.333           686,042

          1  Amounts in column (d) reflect the valuation method and use the assumptions that are included in Notes A and K to Martin Marietta’s audited financial
            statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019, included in Martin Marietta’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and
            Exchange Commission on February 21, 2020.

          The Pension Plan is a defined benefit plan sponsored by Martin  provided by the SERP subject to the provisions of Section 409A
          Marietta and covers all of Martin Marietta’s executive officers,  of the Internal Revenue Code. Of the named executive officers,
          including the named executive officers, and substantially all of  Mr. Nye, Ms. Bar and Mr. Grant are each eligible for early
          the salaried employees of Martin Marietta on a non-contributing  retirement, which allows for payment to employees who are age
          basis. Compensation covered by the Pension Plan generally  55 or older with at least five years of service at a reduced benefit
          includes, but is not limited to, base salary, executive incentive  based on the number of years of service and the number of
          compensation awards, lump sum payments in lieu of a salary  years prior to age 62 at which the benefits began. Mr. Nickolas
          increase, and overtime. The normal retirement age under the  is not yet eligible for early retirement, but would be eligible for
          Pension Plan is 65, but unreduced early retirement benefits are  payments at age 55 at a reduced benefit based on the number
          available at age 62 and reduced benefits are available as early as  of years of service and the number of years prior to age 65 at
          age 55. The calculation of benefits under the Pension Plan is  which the benefits began. Mr. LaTorre is not yet eligible for early
          generally  based  on  an  annual  accrual  rate,  average  retirement, but would be eligible for payments after 5 years of
          compensation for the highest consecutive five years of the ten  service at a reduced benefit based on the number of years of
          years preceding retirement, and the participant’s number of  service and the number of years prior to age 65 at which the
          years of credited service (1.165% of average compensation up  benefits began. The present value of the Pension Plan and SERP
          to social security covered compensation for service up to 35  benefit, respectively, for Mr. Nye, Mr. Nickolas, Ms. Bar,
          years and 1.50% of average compensation over social security  Mr. LaTorre, and Mr. Grant, if they had terminated on
          covered compensation for service up to 35 years and 1.50% of  December 31, 2019 and began collecting benefits at age 55 or
          average compensation for service over 35 years.) Benefits  current age if older would be as follows: Mr. Nye, $656,882 and
          payable under the Pension Plan are subject to current Internal  $9,057,478, respectively; Mr. Nickolas, $0 and $0, respectively,
          Revenue Code limitations, including a limitation on the amount  since he has less than five years of service with Martin Marietta
          of annual compensation for purposes of calculating eligible  and therefore is not vested in the plans; Ms. Bar, $1,507,292
          remuneration for a participant under a qualified retirement plan  and $5,844,815, respectively; Mr. LaTorre, $0 and $0,
          ($280,000 in 2019). Martin Marietta’s SERP is a restoration plan  respectively, since he has less than five years of service with
          that generally provides for the payment of benefits in excess of  Martin Marietta and therefore is not vested in the plans; and
          the Internal Revenue Code limits, which benefits vest in the  Mr. Grant, $325,153 and $686,042, respectively. The amounts
          same manner that benefits vest under the Pension Plan. The  listed in the foregoing table are not subject to any deduction for
          SERP provides for a lump sum payment of the vested benefits  Social Security benefits or other offset amounts.

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