Page 64 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 64

Executive Compensation  /  Grants of Plan-Based Awards

          As amended, the Stock Plan authorizes the Management   A maximum of 5,800,000 shares of Martin Marietta’s common
          Development and Compensation Committee to award stock  stock are authorized under the plan for grants to key employees.
          options, restricted stock and other stock-based incentive awards  Each award under the plan is evidenced by an award agreement
          to employees of Martin Marietta for the purpose of attracting,  setting forth the number and type of stock-based incentives
          motivating, retaining and rewarding talented and experienced  subject to the award and such other terms and conditions
          employees.  Since  2016,  Martin  Marietta’s  long-term  applicable to the award as determined by the Committee. No
          compensation program consists of a mix of RSUs and PSUs for  employee may receive annual grants for more than 300,000
          senior level employees and other select employees.     shares of common stock with respect to (i) full-value awards or
                                                                 (ii) stock options or stock appreciation rights.
          Vesting of the awards granted in 2019 is based on the
          achievement by Martin Marietta of performance measures
          described under “2019 Long-Term Incentive Compensation” on
          pages 48 to 50.

          Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End

          The table below shows for each of the named executive officers information with respect to the unexercised stock options (columns (b),
          (c), (e), and (f)), stock unit awards (columns (g) and (h)) that have not vested, and equity incentive plan awards (columns (i) and (j))
          outstanding on December 31, 2019.

                                                 OPTION AWARDS                          STOCK AWARDS
                                                                                                          Market or
                                                                                                 Equity    Payout
                                                                                               Incentive Plan  Value or
                                                                                                 Awards:  Unearned
                                                                                      Market    Number of  Shares,
                                    Number of  Number of                    Number    Value of  Unearned   Units or
                                    Securities  Securities                 of Shares  Shares or  Shares, Units  Other
                                    Underlying  Underlying                 or Units of  Units of  or Other  Rights
                                   Unexercised  Unexercised  Option          Stock     Stock   Rights That  That
                                     Options    Options   Exercise  Option  That Have  That Have  Have     Have Not
                                       (#)        (#)      Price  Expiration  Not Vested  Not Vested 1  Not Vested  Vested 1
           Name                     Exercisable  Unexercisable  ($)  Date     (#)       ($)        (#)       ($)
           (a)                         (b)        (c)       (e)     (f)       (g)       (h)        (i)       (j)
           C. Howard Nye             10,000       0        69.12  5/24/2020  3,251 2  909,110    11,355 7  3,175,312
                                                                             5,692 3  1,591,711   9,940 8  2,779,622
                                                                            11,318 4  3,164,966  13,175 9  3,684,257
                                                                             5,893 5  1,647,919
                                                                             6,827 6  1,909,102
           James A. J. Nickolas                                              4,047 10  1,131,703  1,956 8   546,976
                                                                             1,120 3  313,197     2,632 9   736,012
                                                                             2,261 4  632,266
                                                                               735 6  205,535
           Roselyn R. Bar             4,513       0        69.12  5/24/2020    935 2  261,463     3,267 7   913,584
                                      4,004       0       108.24  5/23/2023  1,226 3  342,839     2,140 8   598,430
                                                                             2,455 4  686,516     2,857 9   798,931
                                                                               935 5  261,463
                                                                             1,385 6  387,301
           Craig M. LaTorre                                                  5,892 11  1,647,639  1,042 9   291,385
                                                                             2,188 4  611,852
           Daniel L. Grant             816        0       121.00  5/22/2024    632 2  176,732     2,210 7   618,004
                                      1,076       0       154.58  5/21/2025    642 3  179,529     1,120 8   313,197
                                                                             1,217 4  340,322     1,477 9   413,028
                                                                               502 5  140,379
                                                                               503 6  140,659
          1  Based on the closing price of our common stock as of December 31, 2019 ($279.64).

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