Page 58 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 58

Compensation Discussion and Analysis  /  Stock Ownership Requirements

          Covered persons who are employees are expected to meet these  adversely impacted our financial position or reputation, then the
          requirements within five years of the later of becoming a  Board shall take such action as it deems in the best interest of
          covered person and the date of adoption of the policy. Until  the Corporation and necessary to remedy the misconduct and
          such time as such covered person has met these requirements,  prevent its recurrence. Among other actions, the Board may
          he or she is expected to retain 50% of any shares of common  seek to recover or require reimbursement of any amount
          stock received upon vesting of RSUs, deferred stock unit awards,  awarded to the officer in the form of an annual incentive bonus
          PSUs, the exercise of stock options, and other similar equity  or LTI  award. There were  no events  requiring Board
          awards, net of amounts withheld to pay taxes and the exercise  consideration of a clawback action during 2019.
          price of stock options until the applicable Guideline level is met.
                                                                 Our Use of Independent
          Stock ownership does not include vested or unvested stock
          options,  unvested  PSUs  and  vested  or  unvested  stock  Compensation Consultants
          appreciation rights.
                                                                 The independent compensation consultant provides important
                                                                 information about market practices, the types and amounts of
          All of the Company’s executive officers and members of the
                                                                 compensation offered to executives generally and the role of
          Board of Directors are in compliance with the Stock Ownership
                                                                 corporate governance considerations in making compensation
                                                                 decisions. The Committee’s charter authorizes it to retain
                                                                 outside advisors that it believes are appropriate to assist in
          We also require a holding period of annual cash incentive
                                                                 evaluating executive compensation.
          compensation converted to Martin Marietta share equivalents as
          described below, with vesting generally in three years. There is
                                                                 For 2019, the Committee continued to retain Mercer as an
          no additional holding period beyond the vesting date, however a
                                                                 independent compensation consultant. In connection with its
          significant portion of the executive compensation program is in
                                                                 retention of Mercer, the Committee considered the following
          the form of equity awards that vest over three years generally.
                                                                 factors in assessing Mercer’s independence:
          Our CEO must invest a minimum of 35% of each year’s cash  •  The provision of services provided by Mercer to Martin
          bonus award in common stock units of Martin Marietta.     Marietta in addition to compensation advisory services.
          Executive officers must invest a minimum of 20% of their annual
                                                                 •  The compensation paid to Mercer is less than 1% of
          bonus. Stock is purchased at a 20% discount to the price on the
                                                                    Mercer’s revenues.
          grant date to account for the additional risk of taking a common
          stock unit payment in lieu of a risk-free cash payment. In 2019,  •  Mercer has business ethics and insider trading and stock
          Mr. Nye deferred the maximum of 50% of his cash bonus in  ownership policies, which are designed to avoid conflicts of
          common stock units.                                       interest.
                                                                 •  Mercer employees supporting the engagement do not own
          Anti-Hedging and Pledging Policy                          Martin Marietta securities.
                                                                 •  Mercer employees supporting the engagement have no
          Our policies prohibit hedging and pledging of Martin Marietta
                                                                    business or personal relationships with members of the
          stock by all directors and executive officers. Under our policies,
                                                                    Compensation Committee or with any Martin Marietta
          directors and executive officers may not engage in any hedging
                                                                    executive officer.
          or monetization transactions, such as puts, calls, options, other
          derivative securities, prepaid variable forward contracts, equity  At its February 2019 meeting, the Committee renewed the
          swaps, collars, exchange funds and short sales with respect to  engagement of Mercer. At that time, Mercer confirmed the
          Company stock, the purpose of which is to hedge or offset any  continuing validity of each of the factors described above.
          decrease in the market value of such stock. This policy also
          prohibits directors and executive officers from purchasing  The nature and scope of Mercer’s engagement was determined
          Company stock on margin, borrowing against Company stock  by the Committee and not limited in any way by management.
          on margin, or pledging Company stock as collateral for any loan.  Mercer was paid $141,978 for its compensation advisory
                                                                 services in 2019. During 2019, Mercer and its Marsh &
          Clawback Policy                                        McLennan affiliates were also retained by management to
                                                                 provide services unrelated to executive compensation, including
          We also have a clawback policy. If the Board determines that an  property/casualty  insurance  brokerage  services  and
          officer’s intentional misconduct, gross negligence or failure to  administration of a risk management information system. The
          report such acts by another person was a contributing factor in  aggregate fees paid for those other services for 2019 were
          requiring us to restate any of our financial statements or  $355,230. These represent less than .003% of Marsh &
          constituted fraud, bribery or another illegal act (or contributed  McLennan’s global revenue. The Committee and the Board did
          to another person’s fraud, bribery or other illegal act) which  not review or approve the other services provided to us by

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