Page 54 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 54

Compensation Discussion and Analysis  /  2019-2021 Performance Goals

          The following table provides a summary of the long-term incentives that each of the NEOs received in 2019.

                                                                          (3 year annual          PSUs – Target
                                                                        installment vesting    (3 year cliff vesting
                                                                       subject to achievement  subject to achievement
                                                                          of performance         of performance
                                                                            measure)               measures)
           NEO                                                             (# of shares)          (# of shares)
           C. Howard Nye                                                     11,318                 13,175

           James A. J. Nickolas                                                2,261                  2,632
           Roselyn R. Bar                                                      2,455                  2,857

           Craig M. LaTorre                                                    2,188                  1,042
           Daniel L. Grant                                                     1,269                  1,477

          In setting performance goals for the three-year PSUs awarded in 2019, the Committee considered various factors in choosing the
          metrics and establishing the goals, including:
           •  The metrics reflect drivers of our performance and we believe are important to our investors.
           •  The goals are consistent with our business plan and positive over prior year.
           •  We have a history of setting challenging target and maximum goals.

          In addition, we have looked at the alignment of our payouts with the Company’s performance, including TSR, and found that pay and
          performance are aligned.
                                              2019 Performance Goals and Metrics

            Relative TSR (Modifier +/- 20%)*         EBITDA (67%)***                      Sales Growth (33%)
              TSR                                                                      Sales
           Percentile      Payout              EBITDA             Payout              Growth            Payout
          Achievement      Factor            Achievement          Factor**          Achievement        Factor**
            ≥ 75 th   +20% (Maximum)        Plan + ≥ $.36B   200% (Maximum)         Plan + ≥ 4.5%  200% (Maximum)
             50 th  0% adjustment (Target)   Plan EBITDA       100% (Target)         Plan Growth     100% (Target)
                                             Plan - $.36B     50% (Threshold)        Plan - 1.5%    50% (Threshold)
            ≤ 25 th    -20% (Threshold)
                                             Plan - < $.36B        0%               Plan - < 1.5%        0%
          *  rTSR is calculated as (i) the average of our closing stock price over the final 20 trading days of the measurement period, minus the average of our
             closing stock price over the first 20 trading days of the measurement period, plus the value of reinvested dividends divided by (ii) the average of our
             closing stock price over the first 20 trading days of the measurement period, and is measured against each of the companies in the S&P 500 index
             (excluding any Companies acquired during the measurement period.
          ** Threshold and maximum are a percentage of the target.
          *** EBITDA is calculated from Martin Marietta’s audited financial statements in the same manner as set forth in the reconciliations as provided in
             Appendix B, with the exception that adjustments are taken for certain nonrecurring items in accordance with the award agreements.

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