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Compensation Discussion and Analysis  /  2019 Annual Cash Incentive Goals and Results

          2019 Annual Cash Incentive Goals and Results

          NEOs and other executives are eligible to earn annual incentive  •  Outstanding environmental and regulatory compliance
          compensation under our Executive Cash Incentive Plan based on  results,  sustainability  initiatives,  and  cybersecurity
          the achievement of various performance metrics. Individual NEO  protections.
          targets (as a percent of base salary) are approved by the
                                                                 •  Continuing achievement of excellent management of
          Committee at the beginning of the year based on a review of
                                                                    working capital.
          competitive market data, the advice of the Committee’s
          independent compensation consultant, and internal pay equity.  •  The successful organic and inorganic growth of Martin
          The  Committee  awards  actual  annual  cash  incentive
                                                                 Key individual performance criteria are established for each NEO,
          compensation  based  on  achievement  against  corporate
                                                                 which are intended to drive strategic focus and support
          performance objectives and individualized targeted goals. This
                                                                 operational results in the Company and the functional groups.
          furthers  Martin  Marietta’s  compensation  philosophy  to
                                                                 For the NEOs other than Mr. Nye, 50% of the determination is
          encourage superior performance and reward the achievement of
                                                                 made with respect to Martin Marietta’s performance against the
          Martin Marietta’s annual goals. The Committee determined the
                                                                 same goals as for Mr. Nye and 50% is based on the individual’s
          2019 incentive awards in February 2020. In 2019, all of the
                                                                 performance against established objectives.
          executive officers participated in the plan. The annual incentive
          compensation level paid for 2019 for the NEOs other than
                                                                 The individualized target goals are tailored for each executive,
          Mr. Nye was 160% to 185% of target. The annual incentive
                                                                 based on his or her specific areas of responsibility and the then-
          compensation level paid for 2019 for Mr. Nye was 195%.
                                                                 current and longer-term goals of Martin Marietta. In addition,
                                                                 achievement of the goals typically is in part dependent on
          In determining the incentive payment for the CEO, the
                                                                 conditions outside the control of each of the NEOs. For example,
          Committee first reviews the achievements of Martin Marietta for
                                                                 our business may be adversely affected by hurricanes or other
          the past year as compared to its targeted goals set at the end of
                                                                 weather-related conditions, which could have the result of
          the previous year. Our financial goals are established at the
                                                                 impeding the achievement of certain performance-based goals.
          completion of our annual planning process, which for 2019 were
                                                                 Similar to the Committee’s assessment of financial goals, the
          determined in November 2018. The annual planning process
                                                                 Committee’s assessment of individual performance goals
          includes reviews of the assumptions used by the business
                                                                 generally excludes non-recurring or extraordinary items.
          segments in generating their financial projections, such as
          industry trends and competitive assessments, current and future
                                                                 The Committee also reviewed and considered management’s
          projected performance levels, and the risks and opportunities
                                                                 furtherance of its strategic plan, including a primary objective of
          surrounding these baseline assumptions. The annual plan on
                                                                 value-enhancing growth, and the adoption of Mission, Vision,
          which our financial goals are based is tied to the business
                                                                 and Values of the Company to unify management with the
          environment in which we operate and can vary year-over-year.
                                                                 same objectives.
          The objective financial metrics in our annual plan that were
                                                                 The Committee conducted a comparative review of the
          measured for purposes of the 2019 Annual Cash Incentive were
                                                                 individual contributions of each of the executive officers towards
          Pre-Tax Earnings and EBITDA, which are viewed as indicative of
                                                                 achieving  these  goals.  The  Committee  also  considered
          the Company’s profitability, and Days Sales Outstanding (DSO),
                                                                 qualitative measures of performance for the executive officers,
          which is viewed as indicative of the Company’s cash flow. All of
                                                                 such as adherence to and implementation of Martin Marietta’s
          these are important measures reflecting our performance and
                                                                 Code of Ethical Business Conduct, customer satisfaction, and
          the creation of value for shareholders. In addition, the
                                                                 product quality.
          Committee considered the following:
           •  A detailed assessment of Martin Marietta’s overall financial  The maximum incentive compensation is fixed based on
              performance and each segment’s financial performance,  objective criteria as described in the Executive Cash Incentive
              including the highlights and the challenges.       Plan, and the Committee then determines an appropriate award
                                                                 payout beneath the maximum amount based on the factors
           •  Shareholder returns, including the consistent delivery of
                                                                 described above. We set challenging, but attainable, targets and
              value to Martin Marietta’s shareholders.
                                                                 our NEOs have a reasonable expectation of receiving cash
           •  Our safety performance, which continues to be industry  incentive awards that reflect the achievement of our short- and
              leading even though we increased hourly headcount and  long-term objectives as well as their individual performances.
              continued to train new employees hired through new
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