Page 47 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 47

2019 Named Executive Officers’ Compensation – Our Compensation Strategy  /  Compensation Discussion and Analysis

           •  Reward performance that meets or exceeds established goals consistent with our strategic aims and upholding integrity.
           •  Align individual objectives with the Company’s objectives without fostering excessive or inappropriate risk-taking.

           •  Encourage an ownership mentality and align the long-term financial interests of our executives with those of our shareholders.
           •  Be market competitive with our peers with whom we compete for talent.
           •  Provide reward systems that are measurable and easily understood by our managers and shareholders.
           •  Reinforce the succession planning process undertaken on a company-wide basis by building bench strength and by identifying
              and retaining senior leadership, both capable of achieving the Company’s long-term growth, profitability and other objectives.

          In 2019, our executive compensation structure consisted of three primary components: base salary, annual incentives, and long-term
          incentives. Within the long-term incentive component, we utilized a balanced portfolio of PSUs and performance-based RSUs.

                                              TOTAL COMPENSATION OPPORTUNITY

                                                          Long-Term                   Annual
                              Base Salary
                                                           Incentives                Incentives

                                        PSUs - 55% of Award         RSUs - 45% of Award
                                         Vesting and size based     Vesting is conditioned on
                                           on Martin Marietta      performance measured after
                                           performance level        year 1 and then continued
                                                                      employment over the
                                                                      three-years that the
                                                                         awards vest

          Martin Marietta has a long-standing commitment to pay for  ultimately received vary in order to best reflect our financial,
          performance. We fulfill that aim by providing a majority of  operational and strategic performance.
          compensation through programs in which the amounts

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