Page 44 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 44

Compensation Discussion and Analysis  /  Safety, Environment and Sustainability

          Community Relations
          Another core value for which we are recognized by NSSGA is  individual producer’s aggregates operations in particular. In 2019,
          community. The NSSGA Community Relations Awards program  our Texas Quarry (MD) won gold, while St. Cloud Quarry (MN)
          recognizes aggregates producers whose community involvement  and Berkeley Quarry (SC) took home silver, while fifteen. Fifteen
          and support activities enhance the public perception of the  Martin Marietta sites received bronze.
          aggregates industry in general and the public image of the
          Environmental Stewardship
          Environmental stewardship is another of our core values and our  environmental and regulatory requirements. In addition, in order
          operations  were  well-represented  among  the  NSSGA  to be eligible for the award, the operation must certify its
          Environmental Excellence Award winners. These awards  compliance with all applicable governmental environmental
          provide national recognition for operations actively contributing to  regulatory requirements and that it does not have a pattern of
          the maintenance of the environment in and around their  violations during the time period of two full years prior to the date
          operations as evidenced by a commitment to the exemplary use of  of application. Benson Quarry (NC) won gold, while Bonds Quarry
          environmental controls and systems. This award is based, in part,  (NC), Midlothian Quarry (VA), Medford Quarry (MD), Bridgeport
          on the extent to which an operation meets and exceeds technical  Stone (TX) and Tin Top Sand & Gravel (TX) received silver.
          Ethical Business Conduct

          We strive to continually enhance our high standards and controls  amendments applicable to any Board member or executive officer
          for ethical business conduct, compliance and transparency. Our  in 2019.
          Code of Ethical Business Conduct (our Code of Conduct)
          applies to all of our employees, Board members, consultants,
          contract laborers and other agents when they represent or act on
          behalf of the Company. It describes our expectations and policies
          on a number of topics, including our commitments to compliance
          with laws, protection of human rights, maintenance of accurate
          business records, transparency in our public disclosures, protection
          of sensitive information, promotion of a positive and safe work
          environment, zero tolerance for corruption and general avoidance
          of even the appearance of impropriety in all that we do. Our Code
          of Conduct also emphasizes employees’ responsibility to report
          any violation or suspected violation of the Code of Conduct and
          emphasizes the Company’s non-retaliation policy. In 2019, we
          provided ethics training to all salaried employees. There were no
          waivers from any provisions of our Code of Conduct or

          Components of Executive Compensation – Performance-Related Compensation

          Each NEO is eligible for a mix of fixed and variable components of compensation. A substantial portion of our CEO’s and other executive
          officers’ compensation is at risk and will vary depending upon our performance. All of the opportunities to achieve long-term equity
          incentives (LTI) granted to our CEO and other executive officers in 2019 were performance-related consisting of performance share unit
          awards (PSUs) that comprised 55% of the long-term equity awards and performance-related restricted stock unit awards (RSUs) that
          comprised 45% of the awards. The following charts summarize the various forms of compensation and demonstrate that in 2019 87%
          of the CEO’s compensation and approximately 80% of other NEO compensation is variable and tied to company performance.

                          CEO COMPENSATION MIX              OTHER NEO COMPENSATION MIX

                                       13 %
                                       Salary                                  26 %
                             53 %                                 41 %
                           Long-Term      34 %                  Long-Term             Performance-Based
                            Equity        Annual                  Equity
                            Incentive      Cash                  Incentive
                                                                            33 %

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