Page 48 - Proxy Statement - 2020
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Compensation Discussion and Analysis  /  2019 Named Executive Officers’ Compensation – Our Compensation Strategy

          The following table summarizes the key elements of our 2019 executive compensation program:

           Element                             Primary Purpose                        Key Characteristics
           Base Salary             To compensate the executive fairly and  Fixed compensation that is reviewed annually.
                                   competitively for the responsibility level of the

           Annual Performance-     To motivate and reward organizational and  Variable compensation component; based on
           Based Incentive Awards  individual achievement of annual, Company and  pre-established Company and individual
                                   individual objectives.                  performance goals.

             Incentive Stock Plan  To ensure executives invest certain levels of their  To promote sustainable performance results, a
                                   annual incentive compensation into Martin  portion of each NEO’s annual cash incentive
                                   Marietta stock units.                   compensation (35% for the CEO and 20% for
                                                                           the other NEOs) is automatically converted into
                                                                           common stock units. NEOs may elect to convert
                                                                           up to 50% of their annual cash incentive
                                                                           compensation into common stock units.
           Long-Term               To align executives with shareholder interests, to  Variable compensation component. Reviewed
           Incentive Awards        reinforce long-term value creation, and to  and granted annually. Program splits long-term
                                   provide a balanced portfolio of long-term  incentives for NEOs at 55% PSUs and 45% RSUs.
                                   incentive opportunities.
             Performance Share Units  To motivate executives by tying incentives to our  Grants based on three-year adjusted EBITDA and
             (PSUs)                multi-year financial goals and relative TSR  Sales Growth goals, with a modifier based on
                                   reinforcing the link between our executive  TSR performance relative to peers.
                                   officers and our shareholders.

             Performance-Based     To motivate the appropriate behaviors delivering  Stock price growth. Awards are subject to
             Restricted Stock Units  superior long-term total shareholder return.  achievement of one-year adjusted EBITDA goals.
           Health/Welfare Plan and  To provide competitive benefits promoting  Fixed compensation component.
           Retirement Benefits     employee health and productivity and support
                                   financial security.

           Perquisites and         To provide limited business-related benefits,  Fixed compensation component.
           Other Benefits          where appropriate, and to assist in attracting
                                   and retaining executive officers.
           Change-in-Control       To provide continuity of management and bridge  Fixed compensation component; only paid in the
           Protection              future employment if terminated following a  event the executive’s employment is terminated
                                   change in control.                      other than for “cause” or for “good reason”, in
                                                                           either case, in connection with a change in

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