Page 41 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 41

Our 2019 Performance  /  Compensation Discussion and Analysis

          Martin Marietta’s ability to consistently translate revenue growth into increased profitability has also given us the ability to protect our
          balance sheet in order to make prudent acquisitions and capital investments in our business, while achieving a debt-to-EBITDA leverage
          ratio of 2.2x at year-end. As a result, we have been able to position our business as an aggregates leader in 90% of the geographies in
          which we operate and align our product offerings to leverage strategic cement and targeted downstream opportunities. This led to our
          significant outperformance of our peers in 2019, during which time we delivered a 64 percent total shareholder return.

                                                                     31%                          25%
              1 YEAR TSR

                                                                    S&P 500                  S&P 500 Materials

          Safety, Environment and Sustainability
          Sustainability Reporting
          Our commitment to sustainability is part of our core strategy and  sustainability matters, including reporting Scope 1 GHG
          we have a long track record of building solid foundations, caring  emissions data across all of our business lines (both in terms of
          about our employees, our communities and the environment,  absolute emissions and emissions intensity). In that report, we
          while  responsibly  growing  our  company.  One  of  our  also disclose Scope 1 GHG emissions reduction targets across
          commitments to our shareholders and other stakeholders is to  both our cement and magnesia specialties operations, which
          improve each year on these metrics. In addition, we have  are the sources of most of our Scope 1 GHG emissions, for
          endeavored to tell our story better each year, informing our  2030 over a 2010 baseline year.
          shareholders and other stakeholders about our efforts, costs,  •  We created a new position dedicated to sustainability and
          risks, goals, and the relationship between our goals and  communications.
          management compensation.
                                                                 •  Our Chairman and CEO, joined by other senior managers,
          In this regard, we have made the following enhancements to  engaged with 13 shareholders specifically on sustainability
          our Sustainability activities:                            issues, and discussed sustainability issues with almost all of
                                                                    the 189 investor groups we met with in 2019.
           •  We reported in our 2018 Sustainability Report Scope 1 green
              house gas (GHG) emissions data relating to our aggregates  •  In 2019, we hosted 7 investors and other stakeholders who
              group.                                                visited and toured our cement facilities and met with our
                                                                    cement management team.
           •  Our most recent Sustainability Report, which will be issued in
              April 2020, includes enhanced disclosures relating to key

                                        Safe Operations                  Employee
                                      Protecting all who come            Well-Being
                                        in contact with our          Supporting and investing
                                      products and operations,         in our people - the
                                      and creating a culture of     foundation of our success
                                       responsible leadership

                                         Community                     Environmental
                                         Well-Being                     Stewardship
                                       Being a responsible            Protecting the Earth’s
                                     neighbor and supporting         resources and reducing
                                     the communities that are       our environmental impact
                                     home to our operations

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