Page 42 - Proxy Statement - 2020
P. 42

Compensation Discussion and Analysis  /  Safety, Environment and Sustainability

          Our approach to Sustainability is embedded in four vital pillars of  In furtherance of these continuing commitments, we have:
          Safety, Environment, Employees, and Community. We      •  Included performance relating to Environment, Health,
          continued to achieve improvements in each of these areas in  Safety  and  Sustainability  (collectively,  EHS)  in  our
          2019.                                                     management strategy
                                                                 •  Considered achievement of individual and company-wide
          Track records such as ours are not built by accident; they are the  goals in regard to EHS in management compensation
          result of a deliberate focus on fulfilling our responsibilities to our  decisions
          shareholders, our employees and other stakeholders. These  •  Developed a task force relating to Sustainability with a view
          responsibilities include:                                 towards assessing and improving Company performance
                                                                    and disclosure as against world-class achievements
           •  Demanding and facilitating a safe, ethical workplace for our
              employees                                          •  Regularly report, at least twice annually, our progress on
           •  Creating a positive, lasting impact on our communities and  EHS issues to our Ethics, Environment, Health and Safety
              the environment                                       Committee (EESHC), an independent Committee of the
                                                                    Board of Directors
           •  Growing our business and responsibly investing our capital
              for maximum return

          Our Board and management oversight and engagement reflects  team engage throughout the year on material topics, including
          the importance of these critical matters to Martin Marietta.  safety, employee well-being, community well-being and the
          Sustainability is a key component of our strategy and business  environment.
          plan at Martin Marietta. Sustainability excellence is not only the
          right thing to do and a key driver of shareholder value, it is a  Both SOAR and our annual plan are reviewed and endorsed by
          vital component of both our strategic planning process, SOAR,  our Board of Directors. Our EESHC is an experienced, diverse
          and our annual planning process. SOAR, supplemented by our  and knowledgeable group and has for decades overseen our
          annual plan, has guided us since 2010 as we have grown our  ongoing efforts to hone truly sustainable business practices. Our
          business, driven our safety incidents to record low levels,  full Board visits our operations frequently to hear firsthand from
          achieved record financial performance and created positive  our team and see the positive impact we have on our
          impacts on our communities and the environment. Key    communities.
          managers from across our business and our senior leadership

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