Page 40 - Proxy Statement - 2020
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Compensation Discussion and Analysis  /  Our 2019 Performance

          Our 2019 Performance

          Building on prior year success, 2019 proved to be another year of outstanding performance. As we marked our 25 year as a public
          company, we also achieved our eighth consecutive year of growth for revenues, adjusted gross profit, adjusted EBITDA and adjusted
          earnings per diluted share (after adjusting for one-time earnings per diluted share benefit in 2017, resulting from the Tax Cuts and Jobs
          Act of 2017). With continued focus on operational excellence and world-class safety, the Company delivered excellent results in 2019,
          and increased shareholder value.

                   Net Earnings attributable to Martin Marietta of
                                                                        TOTAL SHAREHOLDER RETURN of 64%, more than
                   $612 million and Adjusted EBITDA* of
                                                                        double the S&P 500
                   $1.255 BILLION, an increase of 15%
                   Continuous commitment to SUSTAINABILITY,
                                                                        Third consecutive year of WORLD-CLASS SAFETY
                   which is included in our strategy and compensation
            * See Appendix B for reconciliation to reported net earnings attributable to Martin Marietta. Adjusted EBITDA is a metric used for executive
             performance targets.
          Our five-year strategic planning process, or Strategic Operating Analysis and Review (SOAR), supplemented by our annual plan,
          has guided us since 2010 as we have grown the business in an intentional, contemplative, and disciplined manner. Our performance
          since 2010 reflects the power of our SOAR process:

           2019 Highlights                                     Disciplined Capital Allocation
           ✓  Record consolidated revenues of $4.7 billion, a 12% year-over-  ✓  $50 million contributed to the Company’s nearly 100%
              year increase, driven by double-digit aggregates and cement  funded qualified pension plan
              shipment growth and steady pricing gains across our Building
              Materials business
           ✓  Achieved 8 th  consecutive year of revenue, gross profit,  ✓  Repurchased 416,000 shares for $98.2 million ($236.04 per
              adjusted EBITDA and adjusted earnings per diluted share  share); 13.7 million shares remaining on our February 2015
              growth                                               authorization
           ✓  Record-setting results yielded a 64 percent TSR, more than  ✓  Board  approved  a  15%  quarterly  dividend  increase
              double the S&P 500                                   ($2.20/share on an annualized basis) in August, one of the
                                                                   largest increases in Company history
                                                               ✓   Maintained our investment grade credit rating, exiting the
                                                                   year with a 2.2x leverage ratio, within our target ratio of
                                                                   2.0x – 2.5x

          As a result of our commitment to SOAR, 2019 was a year of significant growth for Martin Marietta. Record consolidated total revenues
          of $4.7 billion, reflecting a 12% increase over the prior year, was driven by the double-digit aggregates and cement shipment growth
          and industry-leading pricing gains. For the eighth-consecutive year, the Company achieved annual revenue, gross profit, adjusted
          EBITDA and adjusted EPS growth.
                  Total Revenues         Gross Profit          EPS                    Adjusted EBITDA*
                        +2.7x Growth          +3.7x Growth           +4.6x Growth          +3.3x Growth

                        11.5% CAGR
                                $4.7B          15.5% CAGR             18.6% CAGR  $9.74     14.3% CAGR
                                                      $1.2B                                        $1.3B

                                             $0.3B                 $2.10
                      2010      2019         2010     2019         2010      2019         2010      2019
          *   Adjusted EBITDA is one of the metrics used for executive performance targets and is shown here for an understanding of this
              metric as compared to other measures of the Company’s performance. See Appendix B for reconciliation to net earnings
              attributable to Martin Marietta.

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