Page 56 - Proxy Statement - 2020
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Compensation Discussion and Analysis  /  Compensation Decision Process

          operates pursuant to a written charter, a copy of which can be  •  Review and comment on proxy disclosure items, including
          viewed on Martin Marietta’s website at  this CD&A.
                                                                 •  Advise  the  Committee   on  management’s   pay
          The performance of the CEO and each other executive officer is
          reviewed regularly by the Committee. Based on this review, the
                                                                 Based on these activities, the compensation consultant makes
          Committee sets compensation for all executive officers.
                                                                 recommendations regarding, and proposes adjustments to, our
          Compensation decisions with respect to the executive officers
                                                                 executive officer compensation program as it deems appropriate.
          other than the CEO are based in part on recommendations by
                                                                 While the consultant works closely with the appropriate members
          the CEO, with input from the Senior Vice President and Chief
                                                                 of our executive management team in performing these activities,
          Human Resources Officer, with respect to salary adjustments
                                                                 the consultant reports directly to and is retained by the Committee
          and annual cash and equity awards. The Committee can accept,
                                                                 on all executive compensation matters, and speaks to the
          reject or modify any recommended adjustments or awards to
                                                                 Committee and the Chair of the Committee on a regular basis
          executive officers. For the CEO, the Committee sets the levels of
                                                                 without management present.
          annual adjustments and awards based on the criteria it deems to
          be appropriate under the circumstances with input from the  Role of Peer Companies and Competitive Market Data
          independent  compensation  consultant.  There  are  no  The Committee considered peer groups for two elements of the
          employment agreements between Martin Marietta and any  executive compensation program in 2019: the Compensation
          executive officer of Martin Marietta, including the CEO.  Peer Group, consisting of 15 companies that the Committee
                                                                 believes compete with us for talent, and the TSR Peer Group,
          Role of the Independent Compensation Consultant
                                                                 consisting of the S&P 500, which the Committee believes
          The Committee retained Mercer, an independent compensation
                                                                 compete with us for investors and is used to assess the
          consultant, in accordance with the Committee’s charter. The
                                                                 achievement of rTSR measured for the PSU awards.
          consultant reports directly to the Committee. The Committee
          retains sole authority to hire or terminate the consultant, approve  Annually, the Committee studies competitive total compensation
          its compensation, determine the nature and scope of services, and  market data provided by its independent compensation
          evaluate performance. The compensation consultant attends  consultant. To assess competitive pay levels, the Committee
          Committee meetings, either in person or by telephone, as  reviews and approves the composition of our Compensation
          requested, and communicates with the Committee Chair between  Peer Group. The following peer group criteria are considered:
          meetings. The Committee makes all final decisions.
                                                                 •  Company size (approximately 0.4 times to 2.5 times Martin
                                                                    Marietta’s annual revenues);
          The compensation consultant’s specific roles include, but are not
          limited to, the following:                             •  Company market cap;
           •  Advise the Committee on executive compensation trends  •  Companies in similar industries based on GICS code
              and regulatory developments and other factors affecting  classifications;
              executive officer compensation, as well as any other areas
                                                                 •  Direct competitors for business and management talent
              of concern or risk.
                                                                    that are publicly-traded in the United States;
           •  Provide a total compensation assessment for executives
                                                                 •  Companies covered by the investment analysts that track
              compared to peer companies and recommendations for
                                                                    Martin Marietta; and
              executive pay.
                                                                 •  Companies  that  include  Martin  Marietta  in  their
           •  Serve as a resource to the Committee Chair for meeting
                                                                    compensation peer group.
              agendas and supporting materials in advance of each
          The following companies comprised our Compensation Peer Group for 2019 base salary and long-term incentive pay decisions:

           Albemarle Corporation       Louisiana-Pacific Corporation  Owens Corning       Vulcan Materials Company
           Eagle Materials, Inc.       Masco Corporation        Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.  Westlake Chemical Corporation
           FMC Corporation             The Mosaic Company       Summit Materials, Inc.    Weyerhauser
           Fortune Brands Home & Security  Nucor Corporation    USG Corp.

          The Committee studies competitive total compensation data  Committee also took into consideration published independent
          from various sources, including proxy statements of the peer  compensation surveys of companies with revenue in the range
          group. Since proxy statements do not provide precise   of $2.5 billion to $8.0 billion as to median levels for each
          comparisons by position to our executive officers, in 2019 the  executive officer as well as private compensation survey

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