Page 14 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 14


        Corporate Governance Highlights

        Our Board adopted practices that                      Our Board is accountable to our
        enhance its effectiveness                             shareholders

        • 9 of 10 Directors are independent                   • Annual election of Directors

        • 4 of our 2024 Director Nominees are women           • Majority voting for uncontested Director elections
          comprising 44% of our independent directors         • Proxy access right for shareholders

        • 2 of our Directors are ethnically diverse           • No poison pill
        • Significant Board refreshment with 8 new directors in  • Disclosure of governance processes implemented by the
          the past 9 years                                      Board and its committees
        • Directors reflect a diverse mix of skills and experience
                                                              Our Board is responsive to our
        • Annual Board, committee and individual self-        shareholders and is proactive to
                                                              understand their perspectives
        • Board access to management and employees
                                                              • Proactive, year-round engagement with shareholders
        • Overboarding, anti-hedging and stock ownership policies
                                                              • Engagement topics include Board refreshment,
        Our Board has strong, independent                       environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters,
        leadership                                              management compensation, and Board and
                                                                management diversity
        • Independent Lead Director
                                                              Our shareholders are entitled to voting
        • Annual review of Board leadership structure
                                                              rights in proportion to their economic
        • Independent chairs of Board committees              interest

        • Only one Director is a Company employee
                                                              • One class of voting stock
        Our Board has developed a management                  • One share, one vote standard
        compensation structure that is aligned
        with the long-term strategy of the

        • Compensation programs reviewed to include short-and
          long-term goals tied to the long-range plan attract,
          retain, incentivize and reward excellent performance
        • In 2023, our Management Development and
          Compensation Committee tied a component of short
          term incentive compensation to safety and ESG metrics.

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