Page 11 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 11


        • Our Nominating and Corporate Governance             • Our Finance Committee reviews large capital projects
          Committee overseas the development and                relating to sustainability and growth as well as all our
          implementation of a set of corporate governance       political contributions and political activities, including in
          principles applicable to the Company and oversees the  connection with lobbying and trade associations
          review and implementation of best practices in
          corporate governance matters

        Committee Charters

        Our Board of Directors recently updated several Committee charters to reflect their increased oversight of our strategic
        priorities, including those relating to sustainability matters. Our Committee charters are available in full on our website.
        These are the functions and responsibilities added to the Committees’ oversight.

                   Ethics, Environment, Safety and Health Committee

        • Reviews and discusses our sustainability efforts, goals and risks, and our annual Sustainability Report
        • Oversees environmental performance, initiatives and results, including annual and long-term targets and commitments
        • Reviews our strategy, programs, initiatives and performance relating to climate change and other sustainability matters

        • Reviews the input we have received from, and our engagement with, investors on climate, sustainability and other ESG
        • Monitors our safety performance, Ethics Office activity and compliance with environmental, health and safety laws and
          regulations, as well as our public reporting and disclosure with respect to climate change-related risks and opportunities
          and other environmental issues
        • Has the authority to investigate any matter falling within its purview

                  Finance Committee

        • Oversees our policies, practices and expenditures relating to political contributions and political activities, including
          lobbying and/or through trade associations of which we are a member
        • Reviews and approves charitable contributions and community support budgets

                     Management Development and Compensation Committee

        • Reviews matters relating to human capital management, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), talent acquisition and
          retention, and compensation matters related thereto
        • Reviews management’s performance with regard to its sustainability goals and considers those achievements in
          determining incentive pay

        Our Employees

        Martin Marietta employees play a critical role in enforcing good governance and sustainability practices. It is their
        commitment to each other and to our communities that elevates our efforts and performance as a Company.

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