Page 9 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 9


         Our Challenges

         • Carbon capture and other innovations are yet to be proven; today, there is no commercially viable technology to
           meaningfully reduce emissions in cement production
         • We must comply with ASTM International (ASTM), the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) and our customer
           specifications, which differ from cement and lime requirements in other regions
         • Alternative fuel and additives are regulated differently in the U.S. than in other countries

         • The U.S. EPA requires certain calculation methods regarding alternative fuels that are different from other countries,
           making same-on-same comparisons of GHG difficult

         Our Intentions

         • Make promises we can keep and explain specifically how we intend to do so
         • Operate our business in a responsible manner from a long-term financial perspective
         • Stay close to developing technology (e.g. Fortera, amine scrubbing, cryogenic treatment, etc.) and use our healthy
           balance sheet to implement technology quickly when it becomes viable in our lone remaining heritage cement plant
         • Continue to work with Caterpillar, Komatsu and other partners to improve emissions in our aggregates business, and
           deploy new technology as it becomes available
         • Comply with the recently published SEC rules and other regulatory developments
         • Continue to gather data for our Scope 3 emissions, which we believe generally come from trucking and railroads
         • Have begun the process of setting and verifying reduction targets under the SBTi framework
         • Continue to speak with, listen to, and respond to our shareholders

              May                      July                    Sept                     Nov
                    Climate Ac on 100+           CDP                     SBTi                  Sustainaly cs
              2023                     2023                    2023                    2023
                 Submi ed responses and   Par cipated in CDP Climate and   Submi ed commitment le er   Submi ed feedback and
                 addi onal informa on     Water surveys, as well as   to develop and submit science-  valida on data to
                                          related supply chain and plas cs   based targets within 24 months  Sustainaly cs
                 Net Zero GHG Emissions
                 Ambi on by 2050                                   Began gathering Scope 3   Received an updated
                                                                   emissions               Sustainaly cs report

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