Page 13 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 13


                      Board With Diverse Skills and Experience

                 1           only 1 director is in                  50%                of 2024 Director Nominees
                                                                                       are women
                             management; all other
                             directors are independent
                                                                                       or minorities

               65            average                                     4             4 of our 10
                                                                                       2024 Director Nominees
                                                                                       are women
           YEARS             director age                                              2 of our 10 directors are

                                                                         2             racially and ethnically
                                                                                       diverse — 1 Board
                                                                                       member is African
                                                                                       American and 1 is Hispanic

             8.5             average                                40%                of directors are current
                                                                                       or former public
                                                                                       Company CEOs
           YEARS             director tenure

                                                                                            MARTIN MARIETTA 11
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18