Page 8 - 2023 Sustainability Report
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        Engagement, Responsiveness and Accountability

        We have adopted a holistic approach to sustainability that is highly interactive, responsive and also responsible. We hold
        ourselves accountable to high standards and set meaningful targets and goals that we believe are achievable despite
        substantial challenges.

         Direct Shareholder Engagement                         Responsive to Shareholder Concerns

         • We welcome conversations with our shareholders,     • We adopted a Net Zero 2050 Ambition in our 2022
           inviting opportunities to discuss our strategy,       report
           accomplishments, challenges, and targets            • We include a discussion of physical, climate and
         • We engage at the highest levels of management;        other risks in our report
           our calls generally include the Chair and CEO,      • We have a TCFD Alignment Index, and this year
           Executive Vice President and General Counsel,         have added a SASB Index in our report
           Executive Vice President and CFO, Head of
           Sustainability, Deputy General Counsel and Head of  • We participated for the first time in and submitted
           Investor Relations                                    responses to the CDP Climate and Water Surveys as
                                                                 well as the related supply and plastics modules
         • In 2023, we engaged with over 30 shareholders
           during our spring 2023 outreach                     • We continue to expand our discussion of diversity,
                                                                 equity and inclusion both in this report and on our
         • In person visits were conducted with a number of United  website
           Kingdom and European shareholders in September
                                                               • We have submitted our commitment letter under the
         • In the fall of 2024, we engaged with approximately    Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) framework
           70% of our shareholders, including most of our top
           40, by letter, telephonically or in person, and provided  • We submitted responses and additional data to both
           updates on our sustainability and compensation        Climate Action 100+ and Sustainalytics
           program design

         Robust Board Oversight                                Realistic and Meaningful Targets, Goals
                                                               and Ambitions
         • Our Ethics, Environment, Safety and Health (EESH)
           Committee, which guides our environmental and       • Medium term (2030): Targets set for the reduction of
           sustainability policies, meets at least four times a year  Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions
         • Established in 1994, it consists of fully independent  • Long term (2050): Net Zero target for Scope 2, Net
           Board members and reports to the full Board           Zero ambition for Scopes 1 and 2 combined
         • EESH Committee and other Board members have         • Targets are reviewed annually in light of technological
           significant experience and knowledge of ESG           and specification changes
                                                               • We signed an SBTi commitment letter and have begun
         • Other committees including Management                 the process of SBTi target submittal and validation
           Development and Compensation, Audit, Nominating
                                                               • We have begun the process of evaluating our Scope 3
           and Corporate Governance and Finance all provide
           oversight on various aspects of the performance of
           management and the Company on these important

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