Page 19 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 19


           Inclusion & Engagement   Employee Resource Groups  Our Sustainability Approach  Our Future Together
                 Task Force

        The Task Force is made up of  Our strength is derived from  Rooted in our core values  We provide high-quality
        13 Martin Marietta leaders with our people, and      and a commitment to being  heavy building materials, but
        various experiences and    championing this strength  responsible stewards of the  life at Martin Marietta is
        backgrounds from across the  empowers each of us in our  Earth’s resources, our  about more than what we
        Company to ensure our culture pursuit of excellence. We  sustainability approach  do, it’s about how we do it.
        is consistently welcoming to all  have three peer-led and  allows us to create lasting  Guided by our values, we’re
        current and future employees,  executive sponsored   results that benefit our  on a journey to be a world-
        as well as open to new and  Employee Resource Groups  employees, customers,    class organization.
        diverse thought. One of the  to support engagement and  communities and society as a
        Task Force’s priorities is  belonging at Martin      whole.
        increasing awareness of the  Marietta. These ERG’s
        importance of Inclusion,   include our Military and
        Engagement and Diversity   Veterans Community, our
        through a companywide      Women Who Build
        communications campaign that Community, and our
        continued throughout 2023.  Multicultural Community

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