Page 97 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 97


        Choosing Well
        Corporate Benefits Team Promotes ‘Happy, Successful and Healthy’ Living

        Martin Marietta’s corporate benefits team has long worked  “I received it in the mail and thought, ‘This is exactly the
        in the background, making sure all employees and their  type of information I should have handy when Anthony
        dependents have access to the important benefits and  and I start thinking about children,’” she said. “It’s not
        programs that help ensure overall well-being.         information you need every day, but you’re definitely
                                                              happy to have it nearby when you do need it.”
        In 2023, the group took numerous steps to bring greater
        attention to the Company’s many benefit offerings.    Beyond simple communication steps, the benefits team
        “Our team works hard to provide programs and services  also began work on what will soon become a
        that are affordable and meet the needs of our people and  companywide marketing campaign focused on Martin
        their families,” said Director of Benefits Scott Mancini.  Marietta’s benefits.
        “We increased our communications to ensure our        Choose Well, as the campaign has been branded, focuses
        employees are aware of our many offerings so that they  on four pillars of overall well-being: Physical, Emotional,
        can make full use of the benefits that come along with  Financial and Social health. Expected to launch in mid-
        employment at Martin Marietta.”                       2024, Choose Well aims to further connect Martin
        A simple, yet highly effective way to improve direct  Marietta employees and prospective career candidates to
        communication with Martin Marietta’s people involved a print  the many programs available to program enrollees.
        pamphlet that was included as an insert in a companywide  “We have a diverse population at Martin Marietta,” said
        2024 calendar distributed in early December 2023.
                                                              Benefits Manager Hector Cotto. “Each member of our
        Designed to better connect employees to the Company’s  team has a unique set of experiences, which means each is
        benefit offerings, the insert included such details as  on their own journey when it comes to well-being. When
        contact information for key wellness programs, a list of  we designed Choose Well, we wanted to make sure the
        paid company holidays for the year ahead, QR codes    brand would serve as a constant reminder about the
        connecting to videos highlighting the importance of Martin  wonderful programs and services available to Martin
        Marietta’s retirement and paid time off benefits, details  Marietta’s people. We hope it connects our employees
        about available education assistance programs and links to  with the information and services they need to care for
        the company’s three employee resource groups.         themselves and their loved ones.”
        In addition to the insert, the calendar included a wellness  Cotto said he and others who helped design Choose Well
        tip for each month of the year. Companywide messaging  will be measuring the brand’s success in multiple ways.
        in 2024 will then echo those same tips. The calendar,
        along with the benefits insert, was shipped to more than  “We’ll be keeping an eye on the impact Choose Well has
        15,000 active and retired Martin Marietta employees.  on our recruiting and retention efforts,” he said. “More
                                                              importantly, though, we’ll be monitoring the numbers of
        Senior Fleet Manager Lauren Hoivik has been with Martin  people who utilize our robust set of benefit programs. At
        Marietta for more than two years and in September 2023,  the end of the day, Choose Well serves many functions.
        married her fiancé, Anthony. Though the pair have no  Primarily, we hope it helps our people and their families
        children, Hoivik said the information contained in the insert  lead happy, successful and healthy lives.”
        would be especially helpful once she and her husband
        consider building their family.

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