Page 100 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 100


        Bailey Davis—Southwest Division                       Ryan Fong—West Division
        Parents: Tracy & Phillip Davis, a maintenance planner at  Parents: Tana & Garrett Fong, a production supervisor at
        the Midlothian Cement Plant                           the Tehachapi Cement Plant
        Hometown: Midlothian, Texas                           Hometown: Tehachapi, California
        School: Texas Christian University                    School: California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
        Current Major: Nursing                                Current Major: Mechanical Engineering
        Future Career Goal: Neonatal intensive care unit or   Future Career Goal: Design engineer in manufacturing
        emergency room nurse                                  Think Outside the Cube: For about seven years, Ryan has
        Hands-on Experiences: Bailey is active in the Health  been a speedcuber-that is, a person who practices solving
        Occupations Students of America organization, or HOSA.  the Rubik’s Cube in the shortest time possible. His current
        While in high school, Bailey had the opportunity to shadow  fastest time for completing a standard cube stands at 6.56
        medical personnel and learn about many career         seconds. Ryan also excels at solving the Rubik’s Clock, a
        opportunities in the health science field. The experience  variation of the classic puzzle that matches dials instead of
        included riding in ambulances for medical calls and assisting  colors; his time of 4.92 seconds ranks 48th in the world.
        first responders during emergency situations. By graduation,
        Bailey had logged more than 500 community service hours.

                                                                                                     Ryan Fong

                                              Bailey Davis

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