Page 99 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 99


        Kaylee Barnett—West Division                          Kaylyn Courtney—West Division
        Parents: Shawna & Brad Barnett, a Rocky Mountain      Parents: Melissa & Phillip Courtney, a West Division
        Aggregates District senior sales rep                  natural resource and land manager
        Hometown: Aurora, Colorado                            Hometown: Arvada, Colorado
        School: Mount Holyoke College                         School: Colorado School of Mines
        Current Major: English                                Current Major: Ceramic Engineering
        Future Career Goal: Constitutional lawyer             Future Career Goal: Engineer
        Guardian Angel Values: Kaylee certainly values safety.  Leading with Love: After a recent tragedy at her school,
        Extremely active in her school’s Drama Department, Kaylee  Kaylyn saw a shift in emotional distress within the student
        became the crew lead for the team and made the sets for  body, her friends, and herself. Being an active member of
        the school’s plays. When she noticed that several students  her church, Kaylyn was emboldened by her faith to help
        were ignoring safety protocols, she stepped up and    organize a prayer session with fellow students and families
        implemented a new system to ensure everyone was using  at the school. Using the strength of community, love, and
        power tools correctly and looking out for their fellow  hope, Kaylee was able to bring comfort to those around her.

                                                                                                Kaylyn Courtney

                                            Kaylee Barnett

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