Page 102 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 102


        Oliver Johannes—Central Division                      Jessica Lawson—East Division
        Parents: Victoria & Delroy “Del” Johannes, a driller at St.  Parents: Betsy & Brad Lawson, a South Georgia District
        Cloud Quarry                                          senior accountant
        Hometown: Clearwater, Minnesota                       Hometown: North Augusta, South Carolina
        School: South Dakota State University                 School: University of South Carolina Aiken
        Current Major: Natural Resource Law Enforcement       Current Major: Secondary Math Education
        Future Career Goal: Working with the Department of    Future Career Goal: High school math teacher
        Natural Resources                                     An Impressive Report Card: Jessica made straight A’s her
        MVP On and Off the Field: Oliver is well-versed in several  entire school career, even while serving on the National
        sports. Throughout high school, he participated in football,  Honor Society, the National Beta Club, the student council,
        cross country, track, and basketball. In addition to these  yearbook staff, and dance and charity groups. At the end
        physically demanding extracurricular activities, Oliver also  of her senior year, she ranked third in her class of nearly
        worked with local elderly residents in the summer to help  400 students.
        with outdoor landscaping, daily chores, and other needs.

                                                                                                 Jessica Lawson

                                           Oliver Johannes

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