Page 107 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 107


        Hometown Event: Martin Marietta Sponsors
        Raleigh’s Biggest Race of the Year

        “Knowing that some friends and co-workers were waiting at the finish line was a huge motivator. I was blown away by
        how many people were waiting. I’d been expecting only a few people at the finish line and finding out that others had
        finished their races several hours earlier and waited to cheer me through was a humbling experience.”

        That was the reaction of Senior Manager of IS Support Services Curtis Smith after crossing the finish line at this year’s
        inaugural Martin Marietta City of Oaks Marathon.

        The race, which took place in the heart of downtown Raleigh, North Carolina, in November, included four lengths: a
        marathon, a half marathon, a 10K, and a 5K race.
        Smith trained for weeks in preparation for the run. And his results showed.

        “My main goal was to beat my time of 5 hours 55 minutes, and I also did not want to cramp up,” he said. “I wasn’t
        100% successful, as I still had some cramping after mile 18, but I am happy to say that I beat my time from last year,
        finishing in 4 hours and 17 minutes.”

        Smith was one of about 6,500 race participants, and those co-workers and friends cheering him on were among
        thousands of race watchers throughout Raleigh, North Carolina where Martin Marietta’s corporate headquarters is

          In addition to providing a fun and health activity for the community, the Martin Marietta City of Oaks Marathon was enjoyed by
          dozens of Martin Marietta team members from the Corporate and East Division offices.

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