Page 96 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 96


        Company Partners with Nonprofit to
        Benefit the Military Community

           ACP and Martin Marietta will work together to assist
           veterans and eligible active duty spouses.            ACP Founder and Chairman Sid Goodfriend said
                                                                 he’s excited to begin work with Martin Marietta
                                                                 in January.

        Martin Marietta entered into a new community partnership  ACP Senior Vice President Jana Toner said the program
        in 2022, working with American Corporate Partners (ACP)  serves veterans of all ranks, meaning protégés may have
        to provide career counseling to veterans and others in the  served anywhere from several years to several decades.
        military community. Founded in 2008, ACP provides     Program mentors do not need to have served in the
        veterans and eligible active duty military spouses with one-  military, she said.
        on-one mentoring and networking opportunities, said Sid
        Goodfriend, ACP’s founder and chairman. Martin Marietta  “We continually look for ways to develop our program to
        has made a $50,000 donation to ACP and is helping the  best suit the needs of our protégés as they pursue their
        nonprofit identify more than 50 company volunteers to  career goals, and right now, the need lies in finding a
        serve as career mentors.                              diversity of mentors,” Toner said. “Our partnership is
                                                              exciting—not just because of the mentors who will join our
        Goodfriend said the organization is currently working with
                                                              program, but because of the diversity of experience Martin
        more than 100 of America’s top companies, universities  Marietta’s people will bring to our protégés.”
        and hospitals to serve more than 4,000 veterans and
        eligible spouses. To date, more than 24,000 people have
        completed the ACP program.

        Martin Marietta’s regional vice president-general manager
        of the North Texas and Oklahoma District and Army veteran
        Sean Foley praised the impact ACP has made while
        partnering with top brands like Disney, Amazon, Coca-Cola,
        FedEx and John Deere. He said the organization’s work is
        precisely the type Martin Marietta is eager to support.
        “Recognizing the efforts of all who have served, and
        continue to serve, in our armed forces is important,” Foley
        said while announcing the partnership on Veterans Day.
        “Our work with ACP coincides with the launch of our first
        employee resource group, the Martin Marietta Military &
        Veterans Community. Our ONE Martin Marietta team has
        a long history of assisting veterans; I am confident our
        people will again step forward to help those who have
        bravely served our country.”

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