Page 93 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 93


        emphasized that a considerable part of these ERGs relies  during Women’s History Month. She said a chief priority of
        on each group’s efforts to decide which resources are  the ERG is to make sure members “feel valued and heard”
        relevant to people who identify within and are allies of the  when it comes to matters affecting them and their work.
        group. “You don’t have to be a woman to join WWB. You
        don’t have to be a veteran to join MVC. But by joining,  “ERGs enhance our ONE culture by nurturing a sense of
        you’re saying, ‘I care about the challenges and       belonging for all employees, and ensuring a feeling of
        opportunities facing the people represented by this ERG,’”  confidence and trust to speak up as well as listen. The
        she said.                                             ideas being generated within the group are exceptional,”
                                                              she said.
        Above all, Meulendyke said Martin Marietta’s ERGs are about
        being heard, connecting people with similar interests, and  Larson said she is motivated to continue meeting
        learning about the diverse perspectives of others within the  colleagues from across the Company to discuss significant
        organization. “Each ERG is a forum for voicing ideas, opinions  issues and ideas. “Meeting teammates throughout the
        and challenges impacting the workplace and the Company. If  country, assisting with recruiting women, providing
        there are opportunities in a given situation that upper  educational opportunities that enhance the knowledge of
        management may not be aware of, these groups will shine a  our current employees and tackling challenges that are
        light on that,” she said. “This will impact our population and  unique to women are just a few of the exciting things to
        will help the Company and our people improve.”        come,” she said.

        Meulendyke’s statement was clear during the first meeting  MERGE provides similar support and development
        of the MVC in February. At the start of the virtual   opportunities to teammates who value the importance of
        gathering, executive sponsors greeted MVC members with  diverse cultural backgrounds in the workplace. Derek
        an overview of the group and its first initiative, an effort  Gordon, regional vice president- general manager for ready
        with American Corporate Partners (ACP), a nonprofit   mixed concrete and an executive sponsor of MERGE, said
        organization which is discussed later in this report.  he and his team are excited to discuss, understand and
                                                              bring forth ideas that could lead to a more inclusive,
        Sean Foley, regional vice president-general manager of the  productive and collaborative Martin Marietta.
        North Texas and Oklahoma District and an executive sponsor
        of the MVC, said members are already engaged in       “Our hope is that MERGE will serve as a mechanism to
        opportunities like the ACP program. “Everyone is universally  foster awareness and understanding about the value of our
        excited for these opportunities, with each of us having a  different cultures, demographics and experiences, and that
        special connection with certain projects,” he said. “Some of  we can then leverage that new perspective in a way that
        us are excited to get new members involved, some are  enhances our Company for generations to come,” he said.
        excited for community partnerships, recruiting events and
        ACP mentoring, and some are passionate about other
        opportunities like Toys for Tots or 5K charity races. There are
        just so many people who are getting involved.”

        Foley added that the MVC helps continue Martin
        Marietta’s journey to world-class excellence, especially
        since it is led entirely by employees. “This is a great place
        for new ideas to arise and thrive,” he said.

        Julia Larson, West Division director of transportation and
        logistics and an executive sponsor of WWB, said she and
        the other WWB members were thrilled to debut their ERG
                                                                  WWB ERG honors cancer awareness month

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