Page 68 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 68


        Our Roadmap to our 2030 Targets and our NET ZERO
        2050 Ambition

        Our roadmap to achieving our reduction targets and our newly adopted ambition includes numerous actions we have
        committed to, through current or recent investments and operational improvements, as well as future steps we are
        evaluating, including:

        Coal replacement and tire derived fuel (TDF) investments  Capital investments in more efficient, lower
                                                              emission transportation systems and emissions
        • In the last five years we have invested in tire handling
          systems at both the Midlothian and Hunter Cement    reduction equipment
          plants and in 2023 tires made up almost 30% of our  • Reduced fuel use in our aggregates business by converting
          fuel mix                                              from quarry trucks to conveyor belt systems in multiple
                                                                locations, right-sizing trucks and installing fleet
        • We completed construction of a larger natural gas line
          to the Hunter Cement Plant and further reduced our    management software
          coal usage                                          • We have deployed 31 hybrid wheel loaders across our
                                                                footprint. We continue to evaluate them in a variety of
        • We have reduced coal in the fuel mix at our cement
                                                                conditions. Initial results are promising and it appears
          plants from a high of almost 70% to 9%
                                                                they are 20% more fuel efficient than a comparable
        Use of additional alternative fuels, including the
                                                                traditional diesel loader. We are working with our other
        purchase of wind energy and other renewables            heavy equipment vendors as they develop their own
        • In 2023 we continued to make use of B99 Biodiesel in our  heavy electric and hybrid vehicle technology
          Midwest Division and emitted almost 16,000 fewer metric  • Continued upgrading our mobile equipment fleets to
          tonnes of fossil fuel CO than if we had used ordinary  newer, cleaner burning equipment
                                                              Operational improvements
        • At our Woodville, Ohio lime Magnesia Specialties plant
          we have completed a wind energy project that will   • Adding slag to our process, using our CemStar patented
                                                                technology. In 2023, the slag addition represented over
          provide much of the power needed to operate the       3% of our clinker production
                                                              • We are currently undertaking a $135 million
        • We are currently evaluating both wind and solar power  modernization of our Finish Mill 7 at the Midlothian
          projects across our businesses
                                                                Cement plant, which will increase efficiency and reduce
        Rollout of PLC Cement                                   energy consumption at the facility. We anticipate the
                                                                project will be complete in Q4 2024
        • With the approval of PLC Cement by both CALTRANS and
          TXDOT, in 2022 we embarked on a rollout of this product  • Constructed three new loadout silos for customer trucks
                                                                at the Midlothian cement plant. In addition to increasing
        • We have converted 90% of our Type I/II customers to   cement storage capacity, these silos have reducied
          our Type 1L (PLC) product
                                                                loadout cycle times by as much as 40 percent with an
        • PLC cements contributed to the reduction of the GHG   attendant reduction in diesel emissions (Scope 3) from
          footprint of our cement business of 10.8%             customer truck idling

        Continued use of synthetic gypsum as a substitute     Investments in our business to develop and market
        for natural gypsum                                    products that deliver meaningful environmental
                                                              benefits, including reducing emissions and chemical use
        • Synthetic gypsum is a byproduct of flue gas
          desulfurization (FGD) — a scrubbing technology utilized  • Scrubber stone produced by our limestone operations
          by many coal-fired power plants to reduce SO 2        is used by power producers in controlling sulfur
                                                                dioxide emissions
        • In 2023 we reduced our need for mined gypsum by
          almost 70% over 2017                                • Products manufactured by our Magnesia Specialties
                                                                business assist in purifying industrial and municipal
        • Using recaptured gypsum helped to divert more than    wastewater, controlling sulfur dioxide in power plant gas
          72,000 tons from overburdened landfills in 2023
                                                                streams, neutralizing nuclear waste and reducing
                                                                chemical usage and wood demand in paper production

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