Page 65 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 65


        Our Midlothian Cement facility
        Midlothian, Texas

        Initiatives to Reduce Our Carbon                      Despite these regulatory constraints, Martin Marietta views
        Intensity                                             the use of alternate fuels and improving fuel efficiency as
                                                              important components of our overall commitment to
        Although our actual carbon emissions from clinker
                                                              sustainability, including climate change-related issues and
        production may be comparable to or better than European
                                                              concerns. In this regard, in addition to significant plant
        producers, their ability to calculate reportable CO 2  upgrades and other modernization in which we have
        emissions differently leads, in part, to a seemingly lower
                                                              invested, our accomplishments include the following:
        carbon intensity calculation.
        Simply put, because U.S. producers are more heavily regulated  • As noted in prior Sustainability Reports, we have made a
        if they wish to use alternative fuels, and must report a greater  significant investment in tire processing systems at our
        amount of the related CO emissions from such fuels than  Midlothian Cement Plant. In total between our two
        their European competitors, and must use a higher percentage  plants, tires made up nearly 30 percent of our fuel mix in
        of clinker in domestic cement, carbon intensities are effectively  2023.
        calculated differently for U.S. and European producers. We  • In the last seven years, we have dramatically reduced the
        believe that our track record of achieving comparably   use of coal in our kiln fuel mixes at both cement plants
        favorable clinker intensities to European producers, despite key  from almost 70 percent to 9 percent of our total fuel
        regulatory differences that give us fewer options for easily  usage. In 2023 we completed a natural gas pipeline
        reducing emissions through clinker substitution and alternative  project to obtain additional supplies of natural gas at
        fuel use in the U.S., highlights our record of investing in our  Hunter as an alternative to coal use.
        plants and continually improving our processes. It further
                                                              • In late 2021, CALTRANS approved the use of Portland
        underscores our continued dedication to sustainable practices
                                                                Limestone Cement (PLC) Cement in its specification.
        in our operations.
                                                                TXDOT has also approved PLC in its standard
                                                                specification. Accordingly, we converted approximately
        “Despite these regulatory constraints,                  90% of our Type I/II customers to our new Type 1L at
                                                                our two Texas plants. We estimate that this contributed
        Martin Marietta views the use of                        to the 10.8% reduction in Scope 1 emissions in our
        alternate fuels and improving fuel                      heritage cement business.
        efficiency as important components

        of our overall commitment to

        sustainability, including climate
        change-related issues and concerns.”

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