Page 67 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 67


        Our Roadmap to Achieve our 2030 and 2050 GHG
        Reduction Goals

                                                              Martin Marietta continues to issue enhanced climate-
        Our Goals                                             related disclosures, including information about the
                                                              physical and transition risks and opportunities relating to
        We have made considerable strides in reducing the intensity of  climate change, in our annual reports to the SEC. We
        our GHG emissions.
                                                              believe this enhanced disclosure:
        In connection with our continuing commitment to sustainability,
        including concerns relating to climate change, we have set the  • Helps to facilitate more informed business and
        following Targets:                                      investment decision-making, including by comparison
                                                                with our peers in our industry
            15%                Reduction in the               • Is consistent with the objectives of the Task Force on
                               intensity of our Scope 1
                                  e process emissions
                               CO 2
                               from our heritage                Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
                               cement operations as             recommendations and Sustainability Accounting
                               compared to 2010 levels          Standards Board (SASB) guidelines for the construction
                               by 2030 1
                                                                materials sector
                                                              We are currently evaluating the SEC’s recently published
            10%                Reduction in the               rules to enhance and standardize climate-related
                               intensity of our Scope 1
                                                              disclosures and will update disclosures as required. All of
                               CO e process emissions
                               from our Magnesia              our public reports are available on Martin Marietta’s
                               Specialties business as        website.
                               compared to 2010 levels
                               by 2030 1
                                                              Our long-term reduction targets were selected based on
                                                              a number of factors, including the significant investment
            30%                offset or reduction of         we have made in our plants in the past two decades; the use
                               Scope 2 CO e emissions
                                                              of improved technologies in our plant processes that has
                               by 2030 versus our 2021
                               baseline and NET ZERO          resulted in a reduction in GHG emissions; the current limited
                               Scope 2 CO e emissions         ability in the United States to use alternative fuels to operate
                               by 2050                        our plants, both from a regulatory and a customer perspective;
                                                              the stringent requirements included in all of our air permits for
        In addition to the Targets described above, it is our  our cement and Magnesia Specialties plants; and the absence
        ambition that:
                                                              of high-emissions sources, such as wet or older cement plants,
        100%                   of our Scope 1 and             that could be shut down or removed. We chose 2010 as our
                               Scope 2 CO2e Emissions
                                                              base year because that was the first year that most sources
                               will be Net Zero by
                               2050, predicated upon          were required to, and started reporting, emissions to the
                               the conditions set forth       USEPA resulting in reliable and comparable data.
                               in our Roadmap
        1 Facilities in most source categories subject to the USEPA’s
          Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (codified at 40 CFR Part 98),
          including cement production, began reporting emissions in 2010.
          Thus, we believe 2010 is a year with reliable and comparable data
          across a wide range of facilities in the U.S. Our Scope 1 CO 2 e
          emissions intensity associated with our cement operations in 2010
          was 0.836. Note that, as a result of the 2024 sale of our Hunter,
          Texas cement plant, we currently own and operate only one cement

                                                                          Midlothian Cement Tire Processing

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