Page 72 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 72


        Safely maintaining the turbines was one of Magnesia Specialties’ chief concerns when first learning about the technology.
        Quickly, however, the lime and stone team found that safety at One Energy is just as important as it is at Martin Marietta.

        “One Energy is vertically-integrated, meaning we don’t just design these turbines, we do all of the development work up
        front, perform the construction and then handle all of the maintenance,” One Energy’s Sr. Vice President Jessica Grosso
        said. “The reason we’ve built our company this way is because it allows us to prioritize safety. It allows us to uphold our
        own high standards and not rely on the practices of a contractor.”

        In addition to funding the installation, One Energy has
        created one $5,000 Megawatt Scholarship for each turbine  Martin Marietta has signed a 20-year
        to be awarded to local college-bound students during each  contract with One Energy, meaning
        year the turbines are in operation. Martin Marietta has  the scholarships will assist at least 60
        signed a 20-year contract with One Energy, meaning the  students in the Woodville area who
        scholarships will assist at least 60 students in the Woodville  plan to enter a STEM field (science,
        area who plan to enter a STEM field (science, technology,
        engineering and mathematics) and provide total college aid  technology, engineering and
        of at least $300,000.                                   mathematics) and provide total
                                                                college aid of at least $300,000.

        “We have long valued our partnership with the people of Woodville and very much appreciate this opportunity to give
        back to the community,” said Magnesia Specialties Division President Chris Samborski. “As we move forward, these wind
        turbines will significantly reduce our environmental impact and bring substantial tax benefits to the town. Additionally,
        the Megawatt Scholarship will provide support to dozens of our local students over the course of our contract with One
        Energy. The overall impact of this project will be truly great.”

        Installation of Solar Panels Equivalent to Planting

        Nearly 1,400 Trees

        With the help of newly installed solar panels, Martin Marietta’s Arkansas District is headed toward a bright, sustainable
        future. In recent years, the District installed more than 270 solar panels as a start to the area’s Green Initiative.
        “We’re trying to leave this world as best as we can for future generations. So, if we can find a way to be sustainable,
        we’re going to pursue that opportunity,” said Electrical Project Manager Taylar Shell.

        Two Arkansas quarries – Jones Mill Quarry in Malvern and Hatton Quarry in Cove – installed panels on many of the
        facilities including the office and scale house, the lab and the training room building.

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