Page 75 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 75


        Water Management

        We use water for production, maintenance activities,  permits under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
        environmental controls and reclamation. We recognize that  System (NPDES) that contain site-specific limits designed to
        water availability is critical to the future of our   maintain the health of the receiving water body and the
        communities and our operations. We also recognize that  aquatic species that call it home. We use treatment
        our diversion and discharge of water into the environment  systems designed to ensure that permit compliance is
        impacts our communities and the ecosystem. We are     maintained and conduct regular monitoring and reporting
        committed to responsible and efficient water management  to ensure compliance.
        and continuously seek opportunities to use renewable and
                                                              In addition, stormwater discharges associated with
        recycled sources. As with our GHG emissions strategy, we
                                                              industrial activity are regulated pursuant to the CWA.
        invest in new processes and technologies following
                                                              These regulations require that the site operate under either
        appropriate testing.
                                                              a general permit applicable to all similar facilities or a site-
        In 1972, the U.S. Congress enacted the Federal Water  specific permit depending upon many factors.
        Pollution Control Act, now known as the Clean Water Act
                                                              The storm-water permitting system is designed to minimize
        (CWA). This law, as amended, established the basic
                                                              and reduce pollution in the runoff from industrial facilities.
        framework for regulating water pollution in the United
                                                              Sites must maintain a Storm Water Pollution Prevention
        States. Compliance with water quality requirements under
                                                              Plan, implement Best Management Practices, and
        the CWA is a critical aspect of Martin Marietta’s
                                                              undertake certain sampling and reporting.
        environmental stewardship.
                                                              By the end of 2023, we operated more than 360 aggregate
        While we make significant efforts to reuse and recycle
                                                              facilities across the United States and recorded a total of only 8
        water in our processes, we do have discharges at or from a
                                                              CWA-related violations, all of which were minor.
        number of our locations. In those cases, we have obtained

                                                                                  An expansive lake created at a reclaimed
                                                                                      site in Georgetown, South Carolina

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