Page 80 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 80


        Biodiversity and Land Use

        We own or lease significant land holdings on which we  many years. The facility first participated in an osprey nest
        operate our businesses. We are committed to minimizing  relocation program with the Three Rivers Park District and
        operational impacts on local ecosystems’ biodiversity.  Xcel Energy in 2007. This led to the installation and
        In addition to complying with applicable laws and     maintenance of dedicated poles for osprey nesting habitat
        regulations, we integrate various protection measures  located at the site, which is near the St. Croix River.
        into the way we operate, as described below. Further,
                                                              Likewise, at our St. Cloud Minnesota Quarry, potential
        our environmental management practices consider                              Prebble Jumping Mouse
                                                              habitat for the endangered Blanding’s turtle has been
        the relevant ecosystem throughout the lifecycle of an
                                                              identified. Accordingly, as expansion and other activities
        operation, including reclamation.
                                                              occur at the site, the Company will conduct observation
        Habitat and Species Protection                        for these turtles. Contractors and employees are provided
                                                              the MNDNR Blanding’s Turtle Flyer to assist them in
        Throughout the duration of our operations at a particular
                                                              identifying this species. If turtles are encountered, the first
        location, we take a variety of steps to mitigate impacts  list of recommendations in the MNDNR Blanding’s turtle
        on habitats and species and to restore disturbed      fact sheet are followed. In addition, erosion control
        ecosystems. Our environmental staff works in concert  materials used at this site must remain free of products
        with our mine planners and operations teams to ensure  with plastic mesh netting or other plastic components.
        sensitive areas and species are not impacted. We
        follow the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service guidelines and  Additionally, many of our quarries benefit biodiversity by
        regulations for operations near endangered or threatened  creating and maintaining valuable habitats for many
                                                              species of wildlife, including threatened or endangered
        species, and we obtain required permits and conduct
                                                              species. This occurs both in the ordinary course of
        necessary mitigation in connection with our activities in
                                                              maintaining large rural sites and through set-asides and
        or near waters of the United States.
                                                              conservation easements we have granted. In addition, in
        An excellent example of this practice can be found at our  many of our sand and gravel operations, we create
        Stillwater / West Lakeland, Minnesota operations which have  wetland features that improve water quality long term and
        been engaged in the protection of osprey nesting sites for  water-storage basins that help to supply local water needs.

                                                                                             Osprey, St. Cloud MN

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