Page 66 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 66


        Our Magnesia Specialties Business

        After our cement business, our Magnesia Specialties   products manufactured at this plant help control emissions
        business, which has two plants — one in Ohio and one  and result in other environmental benefits.
        in Michigan — is the second largest contributor to our
        Scope 1 GHG footprint. This is due almost entirely to  Some of those applications for our products include:
        the operation of our Woodville, Ohio, plant where we
        operate six lime kilns. The calcination process at Woodville
        is very similar to our cement business, except that
                                                                         Purification of drinking water as well as
        Woodville processes dolomitic limestone, which contains a
        higher CO component than the high calcium limestone              industrial and municipal wastewater
        used in our cement plants. In contrast to cement, our
        Magnesia Specialties business cannot achieve GHG
        reductions through substitution for our calcined lime            Optimization of transformer electricity
        product since both internal and external customers require       transmission
        that we maintain extremely high purity to allow further

                                                                         Replacement of hazardous chemicals with
        “Notably, our products                                           our non-hazardous magnesium oxide and
                                                                         hydroxide products
        manufactured at this plant help
        control emissions and result in

        other environmental benefits.”                                   Sulfur oxide pollution reduction

        Nevertheless, we have seen a considerable reduction
        in GHG emissions intensity in our Magnesia Specialties           Nuclear waste neutralization
        business in recent years. This is primarily driven through
        our investments in modernizing the Woodville plant,
        most notably construction of a new, more efficient kiln
                                                                         Improvements in gas turbine electric
        that was completed in 2012. In 2018, under a consent
                                                                         generation efficiency
        decree negotiated with USEPA, the Company committed
        to spend an additional +/- $30 million at this site to add
        preheaters and other state-of-the-art control technology
        to two other large kilns. While primarily designed to            Reduction of chemical usage in pulp
        control SO emissions, we saw a 6% reduction in GHG               bleaching and improvements in paper
        intensity in 2023 versus 2022, which we attribute at least       grade pulp yield, reducing wood demand,
        in part to this installation.                                    and fertilizers to maximize crop yield and
                                                                         to replenish soil nutrients
        We are currently evaluating methods to achieve additional
        reductions through implementation of heat recovery
        systems, improvements in combustion efficiency through
                                                                         Reduction of sewer system pollution,
        new product mixes, process changes and upgraded
                                                                         such as hydrogen sulfide gas
        equipment, fuel switching, and minimizing the generation
        of fines and other byproducts.

        We also manufacture magnesia-based products at our
        Manistee, Michigan, facility, which are a relatively
        insignificant source of direct GHG emissions. Notably, our

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