Page 60 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 60


        In addition to products like our scrubber stone, in 2023 we  Jason Lynch, Regional VP/GM — Southern Texas Aggregates
        continued to operate in the recycled aggregate market  Region, oversees a network of recycling yards around
        with sites in Texas, Minnesota and California. In 2023,  Houston, Texas. In 2023, these 10 operations recycled more
        across our network of operations, our operations      than 1.2 million tons of concrete from a 2,900 square mile
        processed 2.5 million tons of concrete generated from  area around metropolitan Houston. Lynch sees benefits on
        various construction/demolition projects (e.g. bridge/  many levels. “The production of locally sourced materials
        building demolition, highway projects, airport        supplements the supply of aggregates in this market with
        reconstruction, and port projects). During this same period,  few local natural sources. The business is a little different
        our operations sold over 2.1 million tons of this material.  than a quarry because we are working with other
        This material is recycled and converted to various recycled  companies and the public to acquire the raw materials that
        products such as crushed base, ballast and rip rap.   will ultimately be recycled for their own use on projects in
                                                              the future. There is also a substantial amount of steel that is
        As discussed further below in the “Recarbonation” section,  salvaged from the reinforcement within the concrete. These
        recycled concrete can play a part in reducing the GHG  operations also generated approximately 18,000 tons of
        footprint of cement through the process of recarbonation.  steel that can go back into use.”
        Moreover, by recycling concrete versus mining virgin
        aggregate, a certain portion of the GHG emissions that  In our California operations, which we acquired in October
        would otherwise be released are eliminated. Finally, the  2021, we also operate a recycling business which
        EPA estimates that 600 million tons of construction and  supplements our aggregates quarries. In 2023, our teams
        demolition debris was generated in the United States in  operated recycling facilities spread across the state which
        2018. That volume is more than two times the amount of  collectively processed more than 700,000 tons of concrete
        municipal solid waste generated in the country each year.  for sale as recycled aggregates. In addition, steel was
        Landfills are finding it hard to meet the growing demand  removed and recycled from this material. In such densely
        for space so every pound of material that can be recycled is  populated areas, the permitting of new aggregates
        a net gain.                                           resources is difficult, and sources are further away from the
                                                              city centers. As a result, recycled material is playing a bigger
                                                              role than ever before and we produce this material in many
                                                              of our other locations.

                                                                          Our Specification Aggregate Plant,
                                                                                           Golden, CO

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