Page 58 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 58


        under a long term subscription agreement. Similarly, as described in more detail elsewhere in this report our Hatton and
        Jones Mill, Arkansas quarries, we have installed solar power panels that power the offices, labs and training rooms during
        daylight hours. Lastly, we continue to undertake efficiency projects which replace older equipment with newer, more energy
        efficient equipment such as at our Eden Prairie, MN asphalt plant and our finish mill upgrade at our Midlothian Cement

                                                                                        Minnesota Solar Garden

        Scope 3 Emissions

        Scope 3 emissions are not produced by the reporting organization, and are not the result of activities from assets owned
        or controlled by the reporting organization, but are emissions that result from its value chain. The Scope 3 emissions for
        one organization are the Scope 1 and 2 emissions of another organization. Scope 3 emissions are also referred to as value
        chain emissions.

        At this time, the Company has begun the initial steps of gathering this data. We are also evaluating the disclosure of
        Scope 3 emissions in light of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission recently published climate disclosure rule.
        For many service related businesses, Scope 3 emissions make up the bulk of their GHG footprint. However, as a
        manufacturing business, we believe that the bulk of our Scope 3 emissions are most likely from the transportation of our
        products. Transportation commonly occurs by truck with attendant GHG emissions related to diesel and other fuels.
        However, we are also the largest rail shipper of aggregates in the U.S., which is more efficient and less GHG-intensive for
        longer shipments.
        Efforts to reduce transportation-related emissions will increasingly be incentivized or required by regulation. Heavy
        on-road trucks are already highly regulated and we expect emissions standards will continue to become stricter. We

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