Page 121 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 121

SASB Index

                  Topic  Accounting Metric  Category    Unit of Measure  Code    Report Section or Response
                                                                                 We do not currently quantify and report
                                                                                 addressable market and share of markets
                                                                                 for these products.
                                                                                 See Environmental Stewardship – Our
                                                                                 Magnesia Specialties Business and
                                                                                 Environmental Stewardship – Our
                                                                                 Aggregates and Downstream Businesses,
                                                                                 both in this Sustainability Report.
        Pricing Integrity &  Total amount of monetary  Quantitative  Reporting  EM-CM-520a.1 We were not the subject of any
            Transparency  losses as a result of legal   currency                 judgments, settlements, or fines in 2023
                       proceedings associated                                    and did not incur monetary losses as
                       with cartel activities, price                             defined by the guidance provided by the
                       fixing, and anti-trust                                    SASB Construction Materials Sustainability
                       activities                                                Accounting Standard (2023).
        Table 2. Activity Metrics

                Activity Metric  Category  Unit of Measure Code   Report Section or Response
           Production by major  Quantitative  Metric tons (t)  EM-CM-OOO.A  Aggregates: 198.8 million tons aggregates production
                 product line                                     volume
                                                                  Cement: 4.0 million tons cement production volume
                                                                  ready mixed concrete: 6.5 million cubic yards
                                                                  Asphalt: 9.4 million tons, production volume

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