Page 123 - 2023 Sustainability Report
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                                                Non-GAAP Measures

        Non-GAAP financial measures disclosed by management are provided as additional information to investors in order to
        provide them with an alternative method for assessing our financial condition and operating results, and are often
        requested by investors. These measures are not in accordance with, or a substitute for, generally accepted accounting
        principles (GAAP) and may be different from or inconsistent with non-GAAP financial measures used by other companies.
        Adjusted EBITDA is an indicator used by the Company and investors to evaluate the Company’s operating performance
        period to period.
        EBITDA is a widely accepted financial indicator of a company’s ability to service and/or incur indebtedness. EBITDA is not
        defined by GAAP and, as such, should not be construed as an alternative to earnings from operations, net earnings or
        operating cash flow.
        The following presents a reconciliation of net earnings from continuing operations attributable to Martin Marietta to
        consolidated Adjusted EBITDA for continuing operations for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021.
        Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA for year ended December 31:
         (dollars in millions)                                                    2023       2022       2021
         Net Earnings from continuing operations Attributable to Martin Marietta  $1,199.8   $ 856.3    $ 702.0
         Add back:
          Interest expense, net of interest income                                  118.6      155.4      142.4
          Income tax expense for controlling interests                              292.3      234.8      153.1
          Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense and earnings/loss from nonconsolidated
            equity affiliates                                                       504.8      496.6      442.5
          Acquisition-related expenses                                               12.2        9.1       57.9
          Impact of selling acquired inventory after markup to fair value as part of acquisition
            accounting                                                                             –       30.6
          Nonrecurring gain on divestiture                                           0.00      (151.9)
         Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations                  $2,127.7   $1,600.3   $1,528.5

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