Page 119 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 119

SASB Index

                  Topic  Accounting Metric  Category    Unit of Measure  Code    Report Section or Response
                Energy  (1) Total energy consumed, Quantitative  Gigajoules (GJ),  EM-CM-130a.1 (1) Total energy consumed: 406,996,959
            Management  (2) percentage grid             Percentage (%)           kWh
                       electricity,                                              (2) Percentage grid electricity: We do not
                       (3) percentage alternative,                               currently track this metric but are
                       and                                                       considering this for future reports.
                       (4) percentage renewable                                  (3)(4) Percentage alternative: We have
                                                                                 estimated that approximately 24.6% of
                                                                                 the grid power available to us is
                                                                                 renewable, but we do not track the
                                                                                 percentage of renewables purchased on
                                                                                 an account by account basis but are
                                                                                 considering doing so in future reports.
                                                                                 See Greenhouse Gas Emissions and
                                                                                 Environment and Community First in this
                                                                                 Sustainability Report.

                 Water  (1) Total fresh water  Quantitative  Thousand cubic EM-CM-140a.1 As of December 31, 2023, 48 of our active
            Management  withdrawn,                      meters (m ),             aggregates sites are located in areas of
                       (2) percentage recycled,         Percentage (%)           High Water Stress and 46 of our active
                       (3) percentage in regions                                 aggregates sites are located in areas of
                       with High or Extremely                                    Extremely High Water Stress, as defined by
                       High Baseline Water Stress                                WRI Aqueduct Risk Atlas Tool. In addition,
                                                                                 22 of our ready mixed concrete sites are
                                                                                 located in areas of High Water Stress and
                                                                                 16 ready mixed concrete sites are located
                                                                                 in areas of Extremely High Water Stress.
                                                                                 Finally, as of December 31, 2023, we had
                                                                                 one cement plant located in an area
                                                                                 classified as High Water Stress and one
                                                                                 cement plant located in an area classified
                                                                                 as Extremely High Water Stress. Taking
                                                                                 into account all of these sites, we had
                                                                                 27.4% of sites in regions with High or
                                                                                 Extremely High Baseline Water Stress.
                                                                                 We do not yet calculate or disclose total
                                                                                 fresh water withdrawn or percentage
                                                                                 recycled although we have taken many
                                                                                 initiatives to reduce water use particularly
                                                                                 in water stressed regions.
                                                                                 See Water Management in this
                                                                                 Sustainability Report.
                 Waste  Amount of waste     Quantitative  Metric tons (t),  EM-CM-150a.1 Our operations do not generate significant
            Management  generated, percentage           Percentage (%)           amounts of waste federally classified by
                       hazardous and percentage                                  the U.S. EPA as hazardous. We have not
                       recycled                                                  undertaken to track the total amount of
                                                                                 waste generated at this time but will
                                                                                 consider doing so in future reports.
                                                                                 Percentage hazardous: Hazardous waste
                                                                                 designations and disposal regulations vary
                                                                                 by state. We adhere to disposal
                                                                                 requirements applicable in all states where
                                                                                 we operate.
                                                                                 See Waste Management in this
                                                                                 Sustainability Report.

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