Page 118 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 118

SASB Index

        SASB Index

        The following table shows Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) disclosure topics and metrics. The date of this
        index is April 30, 2023.

        Table 1. Sustainability Disclosures Topics & Metrics

                  Topic  Accounting Metric  Category    Unit of Measure  Code    Report Section or Response
         Greenhouse Gas  Gross global Scope 1  Quantitative  Metric tons  EM-CM-100a.1 Scope 1 emissions: 4.295 million metric
              Emissions  emissions, percentage          (t) CO2-e,               tonnes across all business lines (including
                       covered under emissions-         Percentage (%)           stationary and mobile sources).
                       limiting regulations
                                                                                 Currently, none of our operations are
                                                                                 covered under emissions-limited
                                                                                 See Greenhouse Gas Emissions in this
                                                                                 Sustainability Report.
                       Discussion of long- and  Discussion &  n/a    EM-CM-110a.2 Scope 1 emissions are direct greenhouse
                       short-term strategy or plan Analysis                      gas (GHG) emissions that occur from
                       to manage Scope 1                                         sources that are controlled or owned by
                       emissions, emissions                                      us.
                       reduction targets and an
                       analysis of performance                                   In 2023, we established a new Net Zero
                       against those targets                                     Scope 1 Ambition for 2050, in addition to
                                                                                 our existing Net Zero Scope 2 Target for
                                                                                 2050 – our Net Zero Ambition now covers
                                                                                 our Scope 1 and 2 emissions across all our
                                                                                 We also have a Scope 1 GHG reduction
                                                                                 commitment for 2030 for our cement and
                                                                                 magnesia specialties business.
                                                                                 We have converted more than 90% of our
                                                                                 Type I/II cement customers in Texas to PLC
                                                                                 or Type 1L, which we estimate contributed
                                                                                 to the 10.8% year over year reduction in
                                                                                 Scope 1 GHG emissions in our heritage
                                                                                 cement business.
                                                                                 We saw an 8.26% reduction in intensity in
                                                                                 our Woodville Magnesia Specialties
                                                                                 operations due to kiln upgrades.
                                                                                 See 2023 Sustainability Highlights and
                                                                                 Performance Milestones, Greenhouse Gas
                                                                                 Emissions and Our Roadmap to Achieve
                                                                                 our 2030 and 2050 GHG Reduction Goals
                                                                                 in this Sustainability Report.
              Air Quality  Air emissions of the  Quantitative  Metric tons (t)  EM-CM-120a.1 We maintain compliance with air quality
                       following pollutants:                                     permits but are not required to and do not
                       (1) NOx (excluding N2O,                                   track air emissions beyond GHG emissions
                       (2) Sox, (3) particulate                                  at an enterprise level.
                       matter (PM10), (4) dioxins/
                       furans, (5) volatile organic                              See Greenhouse Gas Emissions in this
                       compounds (VOCs), (6)                                     Sustainability Report.
                       polycyclic aromatic
                       hydrocarbons (PAHs), and
                       (7) heavy metals

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