Page 120 - 2023 Sustainability Report
P. 120

SASB Index

                  Topic  Accounting Metric  Category    Unit of Measure  Code    Report Section or Response
             Biodiversity  Description of   Discussion &  n/A        EM-CM-160a.1 We own or lease significant land holdings
                Impacts  environmental      Analysis                             on which we operate our businesses. We
                       management policies and                                   are committed to minimizing operational
                       practices for active sites                                impacts on local ecosystems’ biodiversity.
                                                                                 In addition to complying with applicable
                                                                                 laws and regulations, we integrate various
                                                                                 protection measures into the way we
                                                                                 operate, as described in our Sustainability
                                                                                 Report. Further, our environmental
                                                                                 management practices consider the
                                                                                 relevant ecosystem throughout the
                                                                                 lifecycle of an operation, including
                                                                                 See Biodiversity and Land Use in this
                                                                                 Sustainability Report.
                       Terrestrial land acreage  Quantitative  Acres (ac),  EM-CM-160a.2 We do not currently quantify and report
                       distributed, percentage of       Percentage (%)           this data.
                       impacted area restored
              Workforce  (1) Total recordable  Quantitative  Rate    EM-CM-320a.1 Safety performance indicators are tailored
          Health & Safety  incident rate (TRIR) and                              to represent our industry and operations.
                       (2) near miss frequency
                       rate (NMFR) for (a) full-time                             MSHA Reportable Injuries: 52
                       employees and (b) contract                                OSHA Recordable Injuries: 31
                       employees                                                 Fatalities: 1
                                                                                 Employees: 1
                                                                                 Contractor / Subcontractor: 0
                                                                                 See Safe Operations in this Sustainability
                       Number of reported cases  Quantitative  Number  EM-CM-320a.2 Zero cases of silicosis
                       of silicosis
                Product  Percentage of products  Quantitative  Percentage (%)  EM-CM-410a.1 We support our customers in the
              Innovation  that qualify for credits in   by annual sales          development of certified low-carbon
                       sustainable building design      revenue                  infrastructure and sustainable building
                       and construction                                          design. We collaborate with customers to
                       certifications.                                           design product mixes using alternative and
                                                                                 low-carbon materials.
                                                                                 We do not currently quantify and report
                                                                                 the revenue from these products.
                       Total addressable market  Quantitative  Reporting  EM-CM-410a.2 Our Magnesia Specialties Business
                       and share of market for          currency,                manufactures products that help control
                       products that reduce             Percentage (%)           emissions and results in other
                       energy, water, and/or                                     environmental benefits such as:
                       material impacts during                                   purification of drinking water as well as
                       usage and/or production                                   industrial and municipal wastewater;
                                                                                 optimization of transformer electricity
                                                                                 transmission; replacement of hazardous
                                                                                 chemicals with our non-hazardous
                                                                                 magnesium oxide and hydroxide products;
                                                                                 sulfur oxide pollution reduction; nuclear
                                                                                 waste neutralization; improvements in gas
                                                                                 turbine electric generation efficiency;
                                                                                 reduction of chemical usage in pulp
                                                                                 bleaching and improvements in paper
                                                                                 grade pulp yield, reducing wood demand,
                                                                                 and fertilizers to maximize crop yield and
                                                                                 to replenish soil nutrients.
                                                                                 Our aggregates business produces
                                                                                 products that are used in flue gas
                                                                                 scrubbing systems to eliminate air
                                                                                 pollution at power plants and other
                                                                                 industrial processes.

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