Page 117 - 2023 Sustainability Report
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        TCFD Alignment Index

        The following table shows alignment with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial
        Disclosures (TCFD) regarding the potential financial impacts of climate-related risks and
        opportunities. The date of this index is April 30, 2024.

                    Topic  Description            Item                            Martin Marietta Disclosure
               Governance  Disclose the organization’s  (a) Describe the Board’s oversight of  • See our 2024 Proxy Statement
                          governance around climate-  climate risks and opportunities  (pages 5-8)
                          related risks and opportunities                         • See our 2023 Sustainability Report
                                                                                   (pages 6, 8-12, 27-31, 50-51)
                                                  (b) Describe management’s role in  • See our 2024 Proxy Statement
                                                  assessing and managing climate-related  (pages 5-8)
                                                  risks and opportunities         • See our 2023 Sustainability Report
                                                                                   (pages 9-10, 27-31, 50-51)

                  Strategy  Disclose the actual and  (a) Describe the climate-related risks and  • See our 2023 Annual Report on Form
                          potential impacts of climate-  opportunities the organization has  10-K (pages 6-7, 8-11, 18-19, 20-21,
                          related risks and opportunities  identified over the short, medium and  47, 49-50, 64)
                          on the organization’s business, long term.              • See our 2024 Proxy Statement (page 4)
                          strategy and financial planning
                                                  (b) Describe the impact of climate-related  • See our 2023 Annual Report on
                                                  risks and opportunities on the   Form 10-K (pages 6-7, 8-11, 18-19, 20-
                                                  organization’s businesses, strategy and  21, 47, 49-50, 64)
                                                  financial planning              • See our 2024 Proxy Statement (page 4)
                                                                                  • See our 2023 Sustainability Report
                                                                                   (pages 27-31)
                                                  (c) Describe the resilience of the  • See our 2024 Proxy Statement (page 4
                                                  organization’s strategy, taking into  under “Resilience”)
                                                  consideration different climate-related  • See our 2023 Sustainability Report
                                                  scenarios, including a 2° or lower  (pages 27-31)

                     Risk  Disclose how the organization  (a) Describe the organization’s processes  • See our 2024 Proxy Statement
              Management  identifies, assesses and  for identifying and assessing climate-  (pages 5-8)
                          manages climate-related risks.  related risks           • See our 2023 Sustainability Report
                                                                                   (pages 8-12, 27-31, 50-51)
                                                  (b) Describe the organization’s processes  • See our 2024 Proxy Statement
                                                  for managing climate-related risks.  (pages 5-8)
                                                                                  • See our 2023 Annual Report on
                                                                                   Form 10-K (pages 6-7, 8-11)
                                                                                  • See our 2023 Sustainability Report
                                                                                   (pages 6, 8-12, 27-31, 50-51)
                                                  (c) Describe how processes for identifying, • See our 2024 Proxy Statement
                                                  assessing and managing climate-related  (pages 5-8)
                                                  risks are integrated into the organization’s • See our 2023 Sustainability Report
                                                  overall risk management          (pages 6, 8-12, 27-31, 50-51)

               Metrics and  Disclose the metrics and targets (a) Disclose the metrics used by the  • See our 2024 Proxy Statement (page 4,
                  Targets  used to assess and manage  organization to assess climate-related risks  91-95) under “Targets”)
                          relevant climate-related risks  and opportunities in line with its strategy  • See our 2023 Sustainability Report
                          and opportunities       and risk management process.     (pages 6, 8-11, 22-24, 43-44)
                                                  (b) Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2, and if  • See our 2024 Proxy Statement (pages 4)
                                                  appropriate, Scope 3 greenhouse gas  • See our 2023 Sustainability Report
                                                  (GHG) emissions, and the related risks  (pages 52-72)
                                                  (c) Describe the targets used by the  • See our 2024 Proxy Statement (page 4)
                                                  organization to manage climate-related  • See our 2023 Sustainability Report
                                                  risks and opportunities and performance  (pages 2, 5, 35, 52-72)
                                                  against targets.

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