Page 87 - 2022 Sustainability Report
P. 87


        An Employer of Choice Continues to Evolve

        Inclusion & Engagement Efforts Move Forward with Company-wide Communications Campaign

        In 2022, the Company’s Inclusion and Engagement       These materials encouraged every member of our team to
        Task Force took many important steps to ensure Martin  think about what I&E means on a personal level and,
        Marietta will remain a welcoming, engaging place where  further, to consider how they may champion I&E across
        all of our colleagues may build a career. A key element in  our enterprise. Colleagues were urged to share their own
        this effort involved a thorough communications campaign  stories and to discuss how working on projects with people
        to provide employees with the knowledge and           of different backgrounds provided valuable learning
        understanding to drive inclusion and engagement (I&E)  opportunities and improved the overall project result.
        This campaign began in the early fall with a recorded
        message from Chairman and CEO Ward Nye. During the
        video message, which was shared with all employees and
        made available on the Company’s public website, Nye
        highlights the many ways our diverse workforce
        strengthens our Martin Marietta culture.

        “Doing the right thing and making                     A particularly well-received I&E communication was a brief
                                                              animation that was shared across the Company. In the
        the world a better place is what                      course of the video, the narrator talks about how I&E has

        we’re all about,” he says in the                      always been a part of our success at Martin Marietta.
                                                              “(Inclusion and Engagement) means hiring the best,
        message. “That’s why we embrace                       amplifying each other’s voices and making sure each of us

        inclusion, engagement and                             has the opportunity to succeed – for ourselves and for our
                                                              families,” the narrator says. “This goes for all of us.
        diversity. Ensuring our people are
                                                              Whether you’re a third-generation miner or brand new to
        included and empowered makes us                       our industry.”
        who we are.”                                          All the while, our Inclusion and Engagement Task Force

                                                              continued to plan and develop new ways to engage all
                                                              members of the ONE Martin Marietta team. Led by Nye
        In addition to Nye’s message, each of our five operating  and Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resource
        divisions was provided with a set of communications   Officer Craig LaTorre, the task force is comprised of 13
        resources and tools to help them explain to their teams the  leaders representing the Company’s various divisions and a
        importance of I&E and how it impacts life at Martin   diversity of opinion, experience and background.
        Marietta. Included among these resources were
        presentations, digital signs, talking points and frequently
        asked questions documents, videos and other materials to
        help every member of our team – regardless of their
        background, responsibility level or experience – understand
        how I&E makes our Company a better place to be.

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